chapter 2

534 14 4

*The next Morning*

Author's pov:

Boruto woke up unusually early and tried to get a peek at Sarada , he slightly lifted the curtain to check on her, blue eyes panicked as he couldn't find her there it was still dark maybe 3 in the morning.

He immediately jumped up , wore his jacket going out the tent only to find Sarada sleeping against the trunk of a tree in the cold. Boruto felt the chill in his body as the wind blew he walked towards her observing her peaceful looking face, her pale skin even more paler due to the cold, but she was so deep into the sleep she didn't even bother of the cold wind or sleeping out there.....

After observing her for a good minute he took off his jacket and covered her peaceful body and immediately went towards the tent. In a matter of few seconds he returned with two warm blankets and covered her in the warmth of the fabric and laid beside her with his own blanket..........


Sarada slowly opened her eyes only to find Boruto sleeping beside her laying on the trunk of the huge tree.... As she kept staring a smile curved on her lips as if she were seeing the cutest baby sleeping peacefully.

She kept staring until Boruto shot his eyes open making her heart jump up in panic , ofc they can't stay normal after the kiss last night. Staring deep into the blue eyes which were staring back at her , both their cheeks started burning up red , they immediately turned the other side flustered.

"Are you guys having a romantic morning moment? The kiss wasn't enough right, I knew I must have given some more of punishment to you guys" The owner of the voice smirked as wide he can

"Shut up!!! Mitsuki" said in unison Boruto and Sarada

Both of them got up from their previous position and stood there staring at the ground none of the two had anything to say, when Mitsuki decided to break the awkward silence

"Let's resume the mission after getting freshen up and a quick food break" Mitsuki went into the forest leaving the two of them behind.

After 30 mins, they were already traveling towards the Hidden Mist when As the three of them continued their journey towards the hidden mist, the dense foliage provided ample cover for their progress. With each leap from tree to tree, their senses remained sharp, alert for any signs of danger lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, without warning, a group of rogue ninja ambushed them, launching a surprise attack from all directions. Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki sprang into action, their training kicking in as they fought back against their assailants with skill and determination.

In the midst of the chaos, Boruto found himself facing off against a particularly skilled adversary. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged a flurry of blows, and shot a rasengan towards him , he threw away the other ninja with his jutsu but the rogue ninja still managed one strike to land a solid hit, sending Boruto reeling backward too.

"Sarada!!!" Boruto heard Mitsuki's voice call out in alarm as he stumbled, his vision swimming from the impact. But before he could regain his footing, another ninja lunged towards him, intent on delivering a fatal blow.

With a cry of defiance, Sarada raced to Boruto's side, her chidori crackling with lethal energy and furry in her blood red eyes striking the ninja almost dead. But as she moved towards Boruto, another enemy emerged from the shadows, poised to strike at Boruto's vulnerable back.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sarada threw herself behind of Boruto, shielding him from harm with her own body. But before the enemy's blade could find its mark, Boruto intercepted the attack, sliding in front of Sarada with a fierce determination in his eyes.

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