Chapter 3: ReVe: House of the Rising Sun

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"That scoundrel stole music from the internet and claimed it as his work. If only I could sue him." As she clenched her teeth and slumped defeatedly in her armchair, the young man beside her gently combed her long hair, which had never been cut by anyone else. The weight of frustration settled heavily on her shoulders as she clenched her teeth and slumped defeatedly in her armchair, and the air was tinged with a palpable sense of disappointment. The young man who sat next to her provided a glimmer of comfort amidst the whirlwind of feelings that raced inside her. His fingers stroked the strands of her hair with loving care as if he were constructing a complex tapestry of solace and support

"It'll be fine." The door clicked open as Diaz went in and placed papers on top of his table. "I have some good news and bad news for you today."

"Ah, bad news first, so we'll walk out with good news.
"There will be a competition outside the university, but we only have limited slots. The principal expects you to do your best for him to judge your artwork."

"Dal Cielo can handle it, though, as always," nags one of them, looking at her sleeping figure and her long hair."

"Even that damn Alessio. That guy almost had it all."

"Yeah, I can't believe that he's also good at music too."

"Hey, don't say that! You also have a chance to get in."

"Nah. We already know about it. We're just here to coexist with the main character." This terminology has been common ever since people have been exposed to people who brought up the idea from fanfiction as if to express that the universe favors them all the time. This term wasn't known to Diaz, though he often saw it on the internet when he was scrolling through videos.

These kids these days... Something a "common" guy thinks... I shouldn't be thinking about this.

"Club ReVe." Give me your best artwork. I'll give you additional points for your grades." To that, at least he averted the conversation as the people who were in ReVe began rushing to find their previous artworks, and his day continued like normal. He rushed to the faculty, but this time a little talk was done to collect some donations or something to give to Alessio. It is a natural tradition to give something to someone with illness in the Philippines, especially in cases of burned-down houses and worst-case cases like this. With all of this fuzz, Alessio should recover easily, right?

"You... are you an angel?" Hazel eyes gazed at the glowing figure under the rays of the sun in the hospital room. Some sights to see when you think death is near.

"If I were an angel, I would have scared you with my face and huge eyes spinning around me. You would have fainted to death." He brushed his gray hair and brushed it towards the nape of his neck. "Look at you" as the "angel" tosses the patient's feather-soft jet-black hair and lets his fingers walk towards his empty left hand that was filled with gauze. "You've been working too hard fighting your fate. Nothing will change though. It's something predetermined." His fingers carefully adjust the dripper as the IV gradually empties and Alessio's blood rises to the tubes a little. He pushed his hands down to his bed.

"Feeling dizzy? Sleep tight, Alessio. You'll never take your hands over the upcoming things now." A large pair of hands covered the young artist's eyes and brushed them close so that he was able to fall asleep.

"I'm giving flowers to this sick guy." Rafael breathed down behind his neck as his fingers crawled down to his fingers as he slipped the man's hand off Alessio. "Such concern for your subordinate!" Rafael pulled back, placing the flowers in the vase beside the patient's bed, and then sat in the visitor's chair just across the bed from the patient.

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