The CountryHumans Argue Over Who Was The Best

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The Trio sat around the TV watching the Soviets playing Plants vs Zombies garden warfare 2.

"Yo you got fuckin big guys comin...Big guys big guys." The Ottomans said 

"Thier called gargantuars you uncultured Swine." Soviets said 

"Bro i know what a fucking garguntoar is." The Ottomans said getting the name completely Wrong

"Oh yeah you clearly know what it is." The Soviets said with an eyeroll

"The fuck dose that mean Commie." The Ottomans said 

"Oh my god can you guys go 4 minutes, just 4 fucking minutes without going at each others throats." The UK said "Every day its the same fucking shit with the both of you."

"Oh come on UK, its the Soviets fault." The Ottomans said 

"Oh of fucking course you fucking blame me." The Soviets said 

"Yeah because its your fucking fault." The Ottomans said 

"Its not my fault you can hardly speak like a normal fucking person." The Soviets said 

"Oh fuck you." The Ottomans said 

"SHUT UP!!" The UK said "Jesus fucking Christ, do you guys ever just not argue...every day its the same damn lot just bickering back and forth every fucking time we come together."

"Okay okay chill dude." The Soviets said returning to the game 

As he began shooting at another player as the peashooter the Soviets said "Shit video games have changed a ton since when i was in charge back in the 1980s."

"Yeah i mean..back in 1900s we didnt have anything like this...i mean shit we didnt even have tvs back then and we had only got radios," The Ottomans added 

"Damn guys have been missing out on alot since your times," The UK said  

"One of the few good things about the modern area," The Ottomans said 

"Fuck you dude," The UK laughed 

"Yeah...Video games are the only reason anyone would want to live in this shit whole of an era..with all the fucking politics and culture wars," The Soviets argued 

"Soviet Union you are the last fucking person who should be talking shit about Politics and culture wars when you had a near century long dick measuring contest with America over whos ideolgy was better," The UK said jokingly 

The 3 began to laugh as the Soviets said "Okay fair enough comrade i should have seen that shit coming from a mile away," The Soviets said 

The 3 then went back to the game The Soviets playing when suddenly he got rammed by a All Star then vanquished by him as he was shot a bunch of times, 

"Bull fucking shit," The Soviets said as he quit the game "Bro what the fuck was that shit, dude just fucking comes out of no where and fucking guns me down with out me having a chance to fight back,"

"I like how whenever your plants, its always the fucking All stars that are killing you" The Ottomans said with a laugh. 

"Oh fuck you dude." The Soviets said flipping him off "I swear i miss the old day back in the 50s and shit back when i was a super power."

"Yeah i hear you." The Ottomans said "I miss when i was the bogeyman of Europe a force of nature that no one could stop."

"Yeah and when i was the Greatest power of the world..Pax Britannica and all that you know." The UK said 

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