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Felix Catton had the equivalent of a solar system in his grasp.

Each planet a fulfilled desire, yet, there was a consuming ache for the one in which he found himself rotating around.

The sun.

"Is she coming?," Felix asked Farleigh, who was sat opposite him, as they lounged in their pool house.

He shook his head uncertainly.

"I don't know." He shrugged, he'd sent the message asking Lyssa if she were to come, yet he'd had no response yet.

Felix sighed, getting up from his seat and walking over to the bar area of the pool house.

"Would you like a drink?"

"A glass of Chateau Pontet Canet - do we have any more bottles of that left?," Ferleigh inquired, watching as Felix disappeared behind the bar to search for the wine.

"Yeah," Felix called out, "What age? Nineteen ninety-five?"

"Sounds perfect." Farleigh excitedly called back, for this wine was not only expensive and of delectable quality, it was also very hard to find.

Elspeth had bought back ten bottles of this specific wine, all of which had been drank in the span of three months.

Felix reemerged, wine bottle in hand, before handing it to Farleigh and settling back onto the rust coloured velvet sofa, -  that his mother had decided was too outdated for the main house -
that had now been banished to the outside pool house.

"She's replied." Farleigh announced, facing the screen of his cellphone to show Felix the rather blunt response from Lyssa.


Felix smiled amusedly at the message.

"It's utterly insane how both of your lives revolve around this Sol girl."

Venetia interrupted, stepping into the pool house and closing the door behind her to prevent mosquitos from entering.

"They don't, Ve - she's just good company." Farleigh shrugged, taking a swig of the wine.

His drinking intermission was quickly cut short when Venetia reached over his shoulder as she stood behind the sofa and snatched the bottle out of his hand, taking a swig from it herself.

"You seriously need to go to rehab - you're the one who drank the rest of those bottles and Elspeth is blaming me and Felix for it!," Farleigh threw his arms up in protest, getting up off the sofa to try and fetch back the bottle from Venetia.

"Been there, done that," Venetia rolled her eyes, continuing to fight back against Farleigh and manage to keep gulping down the wine.

"-Now that I've gotten over my fear of eating in front of people, Mother thinks alls well."

Felix was suspicious of his sisters comment - for eating publically had - since Venetia was seven - been her greatest fear.

For even when she'd been sent home from the psychiatric ward, she'd even confided in Felix that she had felt little change in her approach to this fear.

He'd momentarily thought how absurd it was that she had recovered from - or, from how she worded it - "gotten over" her previously debilitating fear.

What was responsible for such a drastic change in Venetia's routine? Her behaviour? For she was a stubborn child, who adhered more to her own routine she'd developed rather than their parents' govern.

Along with her recent upbeat behaviour, Felix had become mildly confused on where his sisters motivation to change had emerged from.

What was responsible? He thought.

𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇 𖤓 - 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now