Part 63

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Third Person POV

As the months slowly turned into summer, the students at Hogwarts were starting and finishing their exams. Everyone spent hours studying well except the Slytherin boys, they decided to play a game called 'how long can we go without revising before the exam'

The answer to that is the day before. It wasn't until the girls told the boys how much revision they had done over the course of the past couple of months, did the boys realise how screwed they were.

By the time exams were over the boys all regretted their life decisions, all knowing that they most likely failed. The girls in the other hand thought they did good, all excited to see who got the best marks.

And then term was over, the school year was over. The sixth years were becoming seventh years, while the seventh years leave Hogwarts going into the magical world.

Exams were the talk of the school until the 30th of June, the day when Dumbledore was murdered. Allison, Jake, Mattheo, Molly, Enzo, Blaise, Pansy nor Daphne knew about this attack. But one person did, Draco Malfoy, that had been his task assigned to him all those months ago, not one person knew what he had been planning.

The Katie bell incident, Ron Weasley getting poisoned had been the results of the previous failed plans. But now Albus Dumbledore was dead, and Snape had been the one to kill the man.

Allison's POV

The times 10:20, the train leaves in 40 minutes, it takes 20 minutes to get down to the train from the castle. So any normal person would think that I'm waiting to leave or something like that, but am I? NO

And your probably wondering why? Well the answer is simple, my brother and boyfriend are useless at packing. Currently I'm in their dorm packing both of their trunks while they are on Jakes bed playing exploding snaps.

"I honestly hate you both" I say turning to them.

"nah you love us" Jake says not even sparing a glance at me.

I ignore that and just continue to pack until I finish Jakes trunk leaving 1 draw left to unpack into mattheo's trunk. I open the draw and place his shirts into the trunk before I find something at the bottom. A note,

"Mattheo what's this?" I ask showing him, his face goes pale white

"Allison I love you but do not read that, just give it to me" erm what the fuck why can't I? Is what I wanted to say but instead I open it.

I love him, he loves me both as friends but we share one thing in common and that's our priority's

I love him - any of my mates
He loves me - yeah that doesn't help
As friends - so definitely one of the boys
But we share one thing - Jake, Draco, or enzo
In common - Jake or enzo
That's our priority's - ...

"Mattheo, I thought you said you hadn't figured anything out?" He looks up at me, his eyes full of ashament, "I didn't know how to tell you, or the two of them, at hogwarts were at our safest but out there we aren't, any one of us can be killed in an instant and I need to try and keep them both as safe as possible"

Jake looks over at matteo with pure shock "mate, what the fuck are you going on about. Your trying to keep who safe?"

"The riddle Mattheo was given, he's narrowed it down to you and Enzo. Meaning that most likely Voldemort is going to kill one of you and we need to know who it is before it's too late" I explained to him.

"Jake, you need to understand I have to protect you both I can't have either of you dead, I can't let my father do that to me, or Allison or Molly. I need to figure out the last line before I can officially put one of you into hiding"

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