𝐍𝐄𝐖 - [🎲] [𝟏] 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞

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The new semester is fast approaching, and nature's vibrant green leaves are gradually transforming into shades of brown, gently descending to the ground. The familiar gentle breezes suddenly transform into biting gusts, compelling you to seek refuge and shield yourself from their icy touch.

Autumn is a stunning yet unforgiving season, and it's hard not to anticipate that this year won't be any less challenging.

You notice the sound of leaves crunching beneath your feet, causing you to glance down at the ground. Pausing to observe the tattered leaves, you can't help but reflect on how quickly time has passed since beginning college.

It feels like just yesterday, yet here you are, starting your second year.

You can't help but feel a bit startled when an arm suddenly wraps around your shoulder. In an instant, your gaze shifts upward, only to be met with a sudden obstruction as a pair of hands swiftly block your view, plunging you into darkness.

"Guess who?" They ask, making a feeble attempt to hide their underlying tone but falling short.

You can't help but let out a gentle chuckle as you confidently stride forward, even with your vision obscured. "My favourite person of all time?" You speak in a gentle manner because you anticipate their reaction.

All of a sudden, your sight returns, but you're left breathless as the strong man envelops you in his arms, holding you tightly like a predator playing with its victim.

A strong hand effortlessly lifts you off the ground, leaving you wide-eyed with surprise.

"Bert," you say curtly. "I can't breathe."

"Apologies," he quickly says, releasing you from his grasp. At last, you gaze up at the towering giraffe, resembling a male, and offer him a warm smile.

Even though you saw the guy during the summer, he always managed to brighten your day. During his time off, his fair complexion had transformed into a sun-kissed glow, revealing the effects of his sunbathing.

His dark hair is styled in a short and shaggy cut, giving him a relaxed and carefree appearance that suits the holiday season. "Are you prepared for another year of this nonsense?" He asks as he confidently walks alongside you.

"Are you talking about college or..." you trail off, your words dripping with curiosity as you gaze up at him, an unpredictable glint in your eye.

He quickly catches on to your suggestion, asking, "Both?"

"Hopefully, this year will be much calmer than the previous one," you mutter quietly, shifting your focus forward. As you do, you notice a set of intense eyes fixed on you.

The iconic brunette and blonde duo.

They're positioned against the brick wall, their eyes burning holes into your head.

If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under by now

"Why is Jaeger giving us the death stare?" Bertholdt asks as you both stroll past them, yet the atmosphere between you and the man is palpable, almost tangible.

You tear your gaze away from the male, only to glance at Bertholdt and casually remark, "It's a rather long story where, as per usual, I'm the bad one."

As you walk along the familiar route from last semester, a horde of first-year students comes into your sight. The bustling hallway is alive with a flurry of activity as students rush in various directions, each with their own destination in mind. "We have plenty of time," the man next to you remarks.

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