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It had been two weeks since she read the letter, and she had neither seen nor contacted Elliot since her dad gave her the letter. She was still pondering why he would have willingly chosen to stay dead after everything, and she was secretly thrilled that his kids found out he was alive, so he couldn't leave again. The bad part about Elliot being alive though was that it had brought Alex, and her overprotectiveness back into Olivia's life, and she still wasn't completely sure how to feel about it. The two women flirted, quite often, but Olivia made it clear that the past belonged strictly in the past, and that they were never going to cross any lines past their flirtatious banter. About a year before everything had gone down with Elliot, the two women had secretly started a relationship, and successfully kept it hidden from everyone, except Cragen, who could read both women like a book. Their relationship had ended less than a year after the shooting because Olivia wasn't processing her trauma from it, and Alex couldn't watch someone she loved suffer, so she left, only leaving a note with two words: "I'm sorry." And now that they saw each other almost daily, Olivia realized that she didn't have closure, nor was she completely over the gorgeous blonde ADA.

Olivia was trying to focus on paperwork, but she wanted to talk to Elliot, ask him why the hell he had put her through ten years of misery after stating he didn't want to do it. There was a light knock on the door to her office, and she looked up to find Amanda standing there. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course. What's up, Amanda?" Olivia raised her eyebrow slightly.

The blonde closed the door behind her and sat down across from Olivia, seeming almost nervous. "I know that this is none of my business, and you're probably going to kill Fin for the little bit he told me about what happened when you, him, and Stabler went to talk to Cragen, but I think you should talk to Stabler about the letter. It's obvious by the hurt expression on your face anytime he's mentioned that you still care about him, Liv."

Olivia tried for a tight-lipped smile, but it seemed to be a grimace. "Of course I'm still hurt, Amanda. If Carisi faked his death, and didn't tell you for a decade, you'd be hurt, right?"

Amanda nodded. "But I'd still care about him. I wouldn't want to because I'd be really hurt, but I'd still care about him."

"That's how I feel about Elliot, Amanda. He broke my heart the day he died, and you've only ever seen the aftermath, with a few glimpses of the woman I used to be sprinkled in over the years. Trauma changes a person, as you know. I was a completely different person ten years ago, just ask Fin, or Alex. Hell, even Munch can tell you how different I was before Elliot's 'death'. What would even be the point of talking to him about that stupid letter?"

"Closure, possibly even the ability to forgive Cragen, Kathleen, Maureen, Lizzie, and Dickie all for keeping that secret." Amanda slipped a small piece of paper across the desk, over to Olivia.

"What's that?"

"Elliot's current address. I got it from Jet this morning. Go talk to him, Liv. Not for him, for yourself, you deserve to be able to trust yourself and your instincts again."

Olivia laughed and rolled her eyes before glancing out the window behind her, the sun was setting. "Just so you know, I absolutely hate that you're right about this, Amanda."

"You'll thank me tomorrow. Now, go get your man." Olivia shot her an evil look, which made the blonde laugh. "Come on, Liv, even Carisi and I could sense the sexual tension between the two of you, and the sexual tension between you and ADA Cabot." Olivia rolled her eyes yet again before leaving her office, heading down to the parking garage, to her SUV. The letter was in her glove compartment, which stayed locked, and she resisted the urge to reach in and reread it for the tenth time in one day. Instead she put her car in drive and started toward the address she had gotten from Amanda.

Elliot hated undercover work, but it was a necessary evil when dealing with Organized Crime. What no one had told him when he signed up to go undercover for this case was that he'd have to seduce the wife of a very powerful man by the name of Albi Briscu, just to get information. She wasn't the prettiest woman he had ever met, and he didn't like the idea of sleeping with her, but the knowledge that it was only for the case made it a bit easier for him. "Eddie, you seem almost nervous," she said as she leaned into kiss him, standing in front of his door, and he let her. She believed his name was Eddie Wagner, which also helped him. At least she wouldn't be moaning his real name during sex. Her name was Flutura Briscu.

They were standing right outside his trailer, kissing, about to make their way into his small trailer, but neither noticed the black SUV that slowly pulled into the driveway without its lights on, nor did they see that shocked facial expression of Captain Olivia Benson as she watched her old partner play tonsil hockey with someone she had never seen before. Elliot and Flutura entered the trailer, and Olivia could make out their silhouettes on the curtains, stripping each other of clothes, while kissing.

Olivia felt an emotion that she hadn't really experienced before when it came to Elliot shoot through her. Whether it was hurt, anger, sadness, or jealousy, she was unsure. But as quickly and quietly as she had arrived, she put her SUV in reverse and left, not wanting to watch any more of it. She was half-tempted to call Amanda and tell her what a colossal mistake going to Elliot's home had been, but thought better of it, not wanting to damage his reputation due to the result it would have on his kids.

Her hands felt slick with sweat as her mind went into autopilot, and she drove to a place she felt safe, a place she felt loved, for the most part. She didn't know why her mind took her to Alex's when it came to needing comfort. She knocked on the door, hoping that the blonde was home, and unoccupied. She was relieved when the blonde opened the door in a pair of pajama pants, an old tank top, her glasses, and her hair was pulled back, out of her face. "Hey, Liv. What's up?" She knew something was on Olivia's mind immediately.

"Nothing much. I was just in the neighborhood, and thought I'd stop by." Alex raised her eyebrow, not fully believing the brunette, but letting her in anyways. The two women sat on Alex's couch, talking about any and everything while sharing a bottle of wine. The lack of food Olivia had consumed that day sent the wine straight to her head. As they say, both women seemed to relax, becoming more and more comfortable with each other. While they talked, they seemed to gravitate towards each other, without even realizing it.

Alex initiated the kiss, but the not sober Olivia was more than happy to pull her closer. Alex climbed onto Olivia's lap, deepening the kiss as Olivia grabbed onto Alex's hips, pulling her even closer. "Tell me to stop and I will, Al," Olivia said, her voice slightly breathless from the kiss. Alex shook her head, leaning into the kiss again.

The two women made their way to the bedroom, undressing each other, not wanting to break the kiss. But when they did break the kiss, Alex started to kiss, nibble, and suck on Olivia's neck before the brunette spread Alex's legs open, gently licking and sucking on her clit. The moans that came from Alex made Olivia chuckle, which made the blonde moan even louder. "Shush, or your neighbors will hate you," Olivia said.

"I don't give a fuck, just please don't stop, Liv." Her begging made Olivia all too happy to continue, her mind far from all the lies, and everything that had gone wrong recently, only focused on the gorgeous woman writhing under her ministrations. "I-I'm close," the blonde panted, moments before cum coated Olivia's tongue and face. "Did you just make me cum with only your mouth?"

"Perhaps," Olivia teased, slowly starting to sober up. Without thinking she placed a soft kiss to Alex's lips before she got dressed and left, scared that their friendship would change now, and not for the better.

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