Can I Get A Kiss? And Can You Make It Last Forever?

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It was 6:45 pm, and Fin was getting ready to leave work. He knew he didn't have to be at the restaurant until 8, but he wanted to beat the traffic, that way there was no chance of him being late. "Hey, I'm gonna take off, if you don't mind," he said to Olivia, who noticed how jittery he seemed. She wondered if Melinda had actually taken her advice, but she wasn't going to ask.

"Go ahead. Have a good evening, Fin. Hot date or something?" She teased with the smallest hint of a smile. She knew she should leave it be, but the small smile that spread across her lips made her think she may be on to something.

"That is what I will be finding out tonight," he said, offering no explanation. Fin went to his desk to grab his jacket so he could leave, but before he did, Melinda stepped off the elevator, looking hotter than hell itself, and he, Olivia, and Amanda all looked like their eyes were going to fall out of their heads as Olivia got up from her desk, joining Amanda and Fin in the bullpen to meet the ME. As she approached the three cops her hips swayed in a way they didn't normally, and Fin felt his mouth dry up immediately.

Melinda was wearing a black dress that reached her knees, but framed her cleavage perfectly. From what they could see, her dress was extremely form-fitting, but none of them were 100% sure because of the trench coat she was wearing. She wore the same high heels as she had worn at lunch, and she looked amazing. She was holding a file in her hand, and doing her best to fight off a satisfied smirk when she realized where Fin's eyes had landed. "Liv, I have that file you mentioned at lunch," she said before extending the hand with the file to Liv, who knew damn well she hadn't mentioned any files. When Olivia opened the file she found a bunch of blank pages, and a sticky note that had Melinda's handwriting on it. "I know you didn't mention any files. Just wanted to let you know I'm taking your advice. Wish me luck!"

"You could have just texted me with this info. It would have spared you the drive," Olivia stated, hugging the file to her chest so that Fin didn't see the note. Melinda shrugged with a slight smile.

"Maybe I just wanted to show off my outfit." She did a slight spin, and Fin knew he needed to leave at that moment. This woman was going to be the death of him, in the best ways.

"'ve gotta go. I don't want to be late for my date," he said before practically running out of the precinct, forgetting his jacket. Amanda realized and ran out to take him his jacket, leaving Melinda and Olivia alone in the bullpen.

"You could have sent me a selfie of your outfit. You just wanted to torture Fin before you find out what the hell happened between the two of you," Olivia stated matter-of-factly, waiting for Melinda to argue with her.

"Do you think I laid it on too thick with the way I swayed my hips, and then the spin that caused him to make a mad dash out of here?" She asked almost innocently as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Olivia looked her up and down. "Fin looked like he was about to explode, and I think you just made Rollins question her sexuality a bit. So if either of those were what you were going for, then you laid it on just right." Melinda let out a soft chuckle, seeming slightly anxious.

"Are you sure I should go through with this conversation with Fin, Liv? Maybe I should just let sleeping dogs lie, I told you what he said. Could he honestly have changed his mind?"

"Only you can decide whether or not to go through with this, Mel. But are you sure Fin wanted you two to make sure the relationship was what you wanted, or an engagement? That distinction could be really important in this case."

A range of emotions and thoughts flickered across Melinda's face, and Olivia resisted the urge to comment on it. "This has been a very informative conversation. Now I must leave, I do not want to be late, especially after I stressed that he needed to be on time." It was clear she was sort of on autopilot.

"You're welcome!" Olivia called after Melinda as she left.

"Please, I'm smarter than you," she called back in true Melinda fashion. "Goodnight, Liv."

Knowing that Rollins would return soon, Olivia went back into her office to continue her paperwork, but stopped when Amanda entered, closing the door to Olivia's office behind her, and plopping down in a chair before she spoke, "Those two need to either talk or fuck." She paused for a second. "Probably both." The laugh that came from Olivia slightly surprised Amanda.

"You're not wrong, and I think they will. So, how long have you known about the two of them?" Olivia gestured toward the elevators, not breaking eye contact with Amanda.

"I've suspected for awhile, but my suspicions were finally confirmed tonight by the way they looked at each other. And Warner, she looked..." It seemed the blonde was at a loss for words.

"She looked great," Olivia said with an almost wistful smile, happy for her two friends.

"No, on the very rare occasions I get to dress up and get out of the house, I look great. Melinda Warner looked drop dead gorgeous." Olivia laughed again, unable to disagree with her. "You might hate me for asking this, but what the hell happened between you and Stabler the day you went to his house?"

Olivia sighed, tapping her fingers on her desk before she decided on a version of the truth. "I went by his place, he wasn't there. So I ended up going to see Alex, just to catch up. We shared a bottle on wine, one thing led to another, and I had a one night stand with my ex-girlfriend," she admitted, not surprised by the shock on Amanda's face. "And that was why I was grumpy the next morning. I haven't talked to her since, and I don't think I should. The way we ended was not healthy, and I don't think I want to open that door again, closure be damned." Amanda opened her mouth to ask a question. "I was grieving the death of my best friend, and I guess it was too hard for Alex to deal with." Amanda's question had been answered.

"That's a shame, you two could be a really hot couple."

"We were. Get out of here, hug the girl's for me. Goodnight." Amanda nodded and started to leave.

"Take your own advice, get out of here. Hug Noah for me." Olivia nodded and response and waved, watching the blonde leave. Unable to turn her attention back to her paperwork, she decided to go home to her son.

Fin was already at the restaurant when Melinda arrived at 7:53. He was standing up at the counter, waiting for their food. She stood near the door, realizing that he had gotten their food to-go, and her heart skipped a beat. Once he got the food he turned, and smiled when he saw her. "I kind of assumed we'd just go up to my apartment, since it's right around the corner. But we don't have to," he added with a shrug.

"Let's go," she replied, smiling back before she opened the door and then followed him up to his apartment. Once there she took off her shoes and jacket, and Fin's jaw dropped as he looked at her again, though he quickly fixed his face before she saw. "I'm sorry," she stated softly, and he walked over to her, pressing his hand to her forehead, as if checking for a fever. She laughed, an easy smile on her lips. "Fin, I'm being serious."

He chuckled as he let his hand fall to his side. "Why are you sorry?"

"The day I brought up the possibility of marriage, and you said we should take some time to think about if it was really what we both wanted, I thought you meant our relationship. Is that what you meant?"

"You thought I was breaking up with you?" His tone held a note of surprise, and she looked away, unable to maintain eye contact. "Mel, look at me." She sighed, slowly meeting his eyes again. "I'd have to be crazy to break up with you, sweetheart. I didn't want you to feel pressured by the thought of marriage, I am so sorry you thought I was breaking up with you." He then pulled her into a hug, and he felt her melt into his embrace. He loved this woman, with all of his heart.

"So, Stabler's alive," she said quietly as she started to open the takeout boxes that held their food.

"I should have told you."

"None of this was your fault, Fin. Hell, I wasn't even answering the phone when you called me. There was no way you could have warned me that he was alive." They ended up curled up on the couch together, eating dinner and watching a comedy movie they both liked.

"You looked gorgeous tonight, just so you know," he stated as she started to fall asleep a little while later, her head resting on his shoulder, her face in the crook of his neck, and his arm was wrapped around her, holding her close. He never wanted to let her go.

"I know. The way you looked at me in the precinct made that loud and clear," she mumbled, and then she was out like a light.

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