Missing Kid

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The next day Olivia entered the precinct, hoping that Amanda didn't ask how her talk with Elliot went. She quickly noticed that Amanda and one of the other detectives wasn't there. "Case?" She asked Fin, still holding her purse, coffee and wearing her jacket. What she didn't realize was that there was a rather large hickey on the left side of her neck, compliments of ADA Alex Cabot, but he saw it.

"No, coffee machine broke so Rollins ran out for coffee to make sure none of us dies by your hand due to a lack of caffeine. She's thinks you're gonna be pissed at her for some reason," he admitted. "So, fun night?" He gestured to the hickey, and watched the blood rush to her cheeks.

"First of all, what happened to the coffee maker? And secondly, she's right to avoid me at the moment. Third, how big of a hickey is it?" She was suddenly self-conscious, and wanted to cover up the hickey with makeup before anyone else in the precinct noticed it. Fin followed her so that he could answer her questions.

He chuckled as he noticed the look on her face as she searched her bag for her concealer. "I'm honestly not sure how the coffee maker got broke this time. Your hickey is kinda big, and what the hell did Amanda do to piss you off? I thought she could do no wrong in your eyes, minus keeping hers and Carisi's relationship a secret and pretending the rest of us don't already know about it."

Olivia rolled her eyes as she found her concealer and started to apply it. "Careful because you are on thin ice right beside her, Tutuola," she replied sarcastically, not looking at him.

"Is this about the letter, Liv?"

"You had no right to tell her about it, Fin."

"I know, and I'm sorry, Liv. But Amanda's worried about you, and frankly, so am I. You haven't been in a serious relationship since Burton Lowe, but your neck looks like it got into a fight with a vacuum." He noticed the dark circles under her eyes. "You're still having nightmares, aren't you?"

"What are you? My shrink?" Her tone hadn't softened, but he was pretty sure it was due to a lack of sleep. She sighed. "I'm sorry, and yes, I'm still having those stupid nightmares about his death. Look, I'm not mad at you for telling Amanda, and thank you for worrying about me. I am unhappy with her though, for reasons I'm not going to talk about with you." She couldn't even say his name. All she could say was his.

They heard an uneasy laugh from the doorway. "So, is it safe to assume you are never taking my advice again?" Amanda said, holding a tray with three coffee's in it. She passed one to Fin, and one to Olivia, keeping the third for herself.

Olivia shrugged and took a long drink from the coffee she had brought with her before answering. "With that situation, no, I am never taking your advice again." Fin excused himself so that the two women could have privacy.

"Do you want to talk about it, Liv?" She asked kindly.

"No, I stopped in to get some paperwork and an extra cup of coffee because I have a meeting over at OnePP this morning," she explained as she started to compile a stack of papers. "Do you think you and Fin will be able to hold down the fort for a few hours while I'm gone?"

"What do you think?"

"Fair point, maybe I should call my dad and have him come babysit the two of you while I'm gone," Olivia teased and hugged Amanda tightly. "Thank you for my coffee, and when I get back, we're going to have a serious discussion about what the hell you did to the coffee maker."

"Can't wait," Amanda called sarcastically as Olivia left, carrying her new coffee, and her papers.

Olivia had been in her meeting for a few hours, and the precinct had been relatively calm. "So, what did happen to the coffee machine, Rollins?" Fin inquired casually, raising his eyebrow as he looked at his friend curiously.

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