ch.1 pt.2: Monji, the lion tamer

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( like I said I'm turning this into parts cause most of these arcs are really long)

I was just thinking about it for a bit.

'like to say if I would have my own treasure, would I protect it? I mean I have Monkey king's golden staff and I know I have to protect it with my own life but is it worth it?'

As I was in my own thoughts there was a loud roar coming this way.

MK's pov:

"What is that horrible roar?!" The girl said in shock."I-It must be Monji, the lion tamer!!" The mayor said shaking in fear.

I was about to run away, but saw Luffy just calm and just sitting there. " Something's coming this way!" "Give me that key, dog!" Luffy said calmly. The dog just barked at him. The I saw a huge weird looking lion with a man sitting on top of the lion.

" Well, what do we have here...?, I'm Monji, Buggy's first mate. They call me the lion tamer!" Monji said. Monji continues saying"Ha ha ha...looks like your friends abandoned you. And after all that effort to get you this far..."

Monji continues talking saying "Captain Buggy is pretty worked guys stirred up a real hornet's nest."

I was wondering 'what kind of costume is that?'

But Luffy asked the same question for me. "Hey, what's with the weird costume?" "What!!?" Monji in shock.

"Costume!? THIS IS MY HAIR!!!" Monji said in a angry voice. 'that's his hair!?' I thought in shock.

"That just makes it weirder." Luffy said calmly. "SHUT UP!" Monji said. "Maybe you think you're safe in that cage...If so, then you really don't know who I am..." Monji said with a deadpan face.

"Is Luffy provoking that guy!?" Orange haired girl said shaking. "Is that boy addle brained?" The mayor said. " There's not an animal alive that I can't control." "I can even control that mutt." Monji said confidently. "Shake!" Monji said holding out his hand, but Chou Chou bit Monji hand hard.

"YEOW!!" Monji shouted. "You're just a nobody thief..." Monji said with a deadpan face and acted like nothing happened.

"HA HA! Dog got ya!" Luffy said laughing. I laughed with Luffy cause what kind of person just be fine after embarrassing themselves?

"You're nothing to me. Now tell me where Rorona Zoro is." Monji seriously said with a scary face. As the lion growled Luffy says stubbornly "No!"

"Then Die! Get him Richie!!" Monji shouted out.

Suddenly, the lion named Richie broke the cage that Luffy was in! Iw as surprised as well as the mayor and the orange hair girl.

"The cage!!" The girl said. " That boy is a goner!" The mayor said in a sacred tone.

I was about to step in and help Luffy, but then I heard "Hooray! I'm free!!" I was surprise again that Luffy is not realizing that he can be killed!

Monji made Richie destroy a building that Luffy was and said "Nobody could survive that. Well, serves him right." "C'mon Richie, let's go find Rorona Zoro."

As Monji was about to leave Richie was standing still and Monji asked "what wrong?" Then Monji looked at what Richie was looking at.

"I see...a pet store." Monji continued"okay fine...have a snack, but be quick about it." Monji said. Chou Chou just growls at Richie "Wow! What a impact!" Luffy says. "He knocked me through that house and into the street and into the street behind it!" Luffy said very excited.

I'm shocked he really survived but 'how even I will get hurt, so how is Luffy completely fine with no cuts or bruises?!'

"But at least I'm out of that cage?!" " Okay now I'll show all of these clowns...and make that thief, Nami, our navigator!" Luffy said with a smile on his face.

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