the Skaterlight actual fic part

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A/N: .... hey...



[priv dms]

LAMPERT: heyhey
yesterday was fun (*^‿^*)

1t w4S v3Ry fUn!!!!!!!!!
w4nN4 g0 OuT w1Th m3 2d4y?

LAMPERT: whyhat

INFECTED: l1Ke 0Ut!!!! ^_^
1nst34d 0f jUst g01ng 2 my h0us3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

LAMPERT: oh right
that'd be fun!
what would we do?

INFECTED: w3 c0Uld g0 2 th3 sk8 p4rk n34r my h0us3?
th3n m4yb3 g3t 1c3 cr34m 0r s0m3th1ng!!!!

LAMPERT: alright, sounds cool
when should I head over?


LAMPERT: please just give me an exact time.

13:00 W0RK5 4 m3!!!!

LAMPERT: alright, I'll be over soon.

INFECTED: FUNZ13Z!!!!!!! \(⁀▽⁀ )/


Infected turned off his phone, nervously staring at the screen.
His cheeks flushed a light red colour, and his stomach turned slightly.

They had hung out just yesterday, but Unpleasant had interrupted just as infected had built the courage to—
to.. uh.. nothing. To do nothing. Uhuh. Yep.
He awkwardly sat on his couch, staring at his phone, waiting for a new message from Lampert, kicking his feet slightly.

he was hoping Lampert had picked up on some of the hints he had sent the day prior, emotions were difficult. sending a blushing emoticon works as a way of flirting right??? Or like, do you actually have to do something?
The question bubbled up in his mind at some points of his messaging and hang out, but he brushed it off.
the time was 12:13. He had a while until Lampert got there, he should freshen up. Right..???? Yeah. Stinky!

He sighed and got up, leaving his phone on the couch as he took a quick shower.
Maybe he should re-dye his hair?
Maybeeee.. NO.
you have like under an hour do NOT

he sighed after the shower, remembering he couldn't re-dye his hair, and got dressed in some of his more formal clothes!!
a fashionably ripped black shirt, fishnet shirt thing underneath, and lots of bright coloured jewellery and belts. He wore boring ass ripped black trousers. They were not bought ripped.
Infected exited the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel, and noticed his UGKY ASS roommate on the couch, playing with his phone.

"d0 y0U h4V3 mY ph0N3??" he asked, taking it out of Unpleasant's hands.
The gradient looked up at him, hands still in the phone holding position, and frowned, "maybe."
He stared down at his phone, removing the towel from his head and dropping it on Unpleasant, "d1d y0u m3ss4g3 l4mpy??"
Unpleasant looked away awkwardly and began to pat their legs idly after moving the towel away.
"Unpleasant." Infected frowned, scrolling up in his messages.

'INFECTED: hello Lampert
my babygirl
Im in love with you'

"NO WHAT THE FIUCK WHHY" he immediately began to type, trying to fix the mistake.
Unpleasant groaned, "whaaaat?! Im just sayin the truth.."

I m34n 1f y0u d1d th4t'd b3 f1n3 BUT UNPL34S3NT T00K MY PH0N3.'

"your face is red btw." Unpleasent smirked and leant back on the couch.
The brown haired boy groaned, "y34h I c4n f33l 1t, br0sk1. :/" he covered his face with his hand as he read over the messages again, exiting the dms with Lampert and noticing that Unpleasant had messaged someone else.
"d1d u us3 my ph0n3 2 m3ss4g3 th3 fl3sh th1ng??"

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