dont fall asleep

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A/N: I love you guys/p

also the poob/pest being roommates thing is just a silly headcanon of mine and others, idek if its canon🙏🙏🙏  (its prolly not)

they're not dating (yet).. just share a home:p!!

yeah saying that.. theres a lot of romance in this..

not checking spelling errors cuz Im very tired as Im publishing this


Laying on their couch, Poob quietly typed away to their friends on the phone. They had been making plans with a handful of them to hang out. More specifically, have a sleepover.
It was the longest time they had been quiet, and Pest had gotten a bit concerned, however, when he asked them about it, this is what he was met with.

"ye! I'm oka!!! Jus makin plans for a sleepovr!!" They blew their party horn, swinging their legs gleefully.
"when is this sleepover? and whose going?" Pest chittered, pushing Poobs legs away and sitting next to them.
The yellow noob adjusted the way they were sitting and began counting who all was going.
After about two re-counts, pest sighed. "okay so remind me not to be here when this sleepover happens." he grumbled.

Partynoob blew their horn, "wut?! nooo!! u hav 2 be here!!"
"what? why??" Pest grumbled, they did enjoy parties.. but crowds as big as the ones in Poobs parties always made them tense.
"well.. I guess.." Poob mumbled, tapping away on their phone as they spoke.
Pest sighed, its okay if they just wanted her company.. they didn't mind—
"did you just fucking add me to the groupchat for this sleepover." Saying sleepover as if it were a derogatory word, Pest chittered and folded their arms as a ding alerted his phone.

The noob giggled, "noooooo :p!! Y wuld I do taht?:3"
The beetle let out a grumpy sigh, "fine. I'll go." he plays with a strand of his hair.
"YAYYY!!" Poob hugged them tightly, the white haired one would merely grumble and accept it. She would never admit it, but Pest really did enjoy the noobs hugs. They were just.. they just...
He pushed them off.

"OOMFH!" The noob yelped as they hit the comfortable couch beneath them.
"when is this sleepover?" Pest spoke, asking again. But with more irritation.
"uhhm.. liek... 6pm?:3" Partynoob quickly sat back up, "I'll send all teh info on da grupchat!^_^"
Pest made a mental note to try to not be socially awkward throughout the whole night. And there was only one thing that they knew helped with social anxiety.







The lamp grumbled and answered his phone, just wanting to sleep after a long day of work. I mean— he would've woken up and answered on the first ring.. but.. when he sleeps he usually doesn't stay in his 'humanoid' form, which makes it harder to immediately answer.

"h33Ey!!!!! O0Pz.. S0z, d1D 1 W4k3 U? T_T.." The glitchy voice on the other end of the line spoke, a loud video game blaring in the background. Oh, Infected.
"yeah, but its fine.. everything okay?" Lampert yawned, putting his phone on speaker mode and placing it on his bedside table as he stretched and let his eyes adjust to the bright lamps in ROKEA.. where he worked and lived.
Infected let out a curse under his breath as lampert heard them die in their game, "y3h!! Ju5T w0Nd3R1nG 1f y0U w3R3 g0nN4 g0 2 P00Bs p4Rty!!! Or— uH.. Sl33p0V3r!"

The lamps tail flicked, he hadn't been to a sleepover in a while.. "sure, maybe. Was I invited?" he asked, swinging his legs over the side of his bed.
"oFc u w3R3!!!!!! B3s1D3s, 1 w0UldN't g0 1f y0U w3R3n't." He spoke, his voice soft, for once.
Lampert felt his face grow warm, "then I suppose I'll go.. Poob would hate it if you weren't there." he fell back into his bed.
"0k4yYy! 1t'Ll b3 s0 fUn!! I'lL m4K3 sUr3 2 bR1nG cL34n1Ng sTuFf 4 u >_•!!" he, although unknown to lampert, spun around in his gaming chair, mostly calling the lamp out of boredom and wanting to talk to his.. boyfriend? Partner?
He stopped spinning.. He should ask which Lampert preferred.. or if he even—

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