"It's been how long?!" TWO

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You couldn't help but look at him in shock as you were in awe...
"Friede! How long has it actually been? It's a surprise to see you!..
Well, not horrible surprise of course!" You said as you smiled brightly....
Tinkatink was pretty shy as she hasn't met Friede yet as she would try to hide in your hair, Friede chuckled as he would respond to you.
"Oh yeah... I guess I forgot to tell you I was going to leave town on my own adventures huh?..." he chuckled softly...
You couldn't help but laugh softly...
He's still as forgetful as ever....
"Adventures? Sounds like a lot of fun really" you whispered softly...
You never really thought about anything exciting like adventures and stuff...
You usually would be too nervous to be out for so long and would stay cooped up in your room instead of going out really.
Unless it's a really small place...
Other than that, you don't get out much....
Tinkatink would peep out of your hair for a bit as she slowly realized you were extremely comfortable with Friede...
Her eyes glimmered with happiness...
She knows how shy you would be with people and normally wouldn't feel comfortable talking for so long...
For once she heard you excited about a conversation with someone as she had a sense of hope that maybe this can help you become less alone...
Maybe then you can have even more friends to have...
Tinkatink would squeak in excitement...
You would look at your beloved Pokémon as you can tell she wanted to join them...
But... you didn't know if you could bring yourself to...
You smiled softly as you then sighed to yourself...
Then again, it would be nice to catch up with Friede after all these years...
You did miss him a lot....
"Could I join you?...." you asked softly as you then grew completely flustered, embarrassed that you had asked...
"Um... if not that's okay..."
"Oh, you have to ask the Captain"



"It's An Adventure!" Friede X Reader Where stories live. Discover now