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You were a bit nervous about meeting the captain, as you sorta imagined someone fierce and scary like a friend of your dad's named Drake...
Or at least you did find him intimidating....
You shuddered at the thought as your Tinkatink would pat your head softly, as if trying to calm you down...
"I would love to meet the Captain..." You whispered softly, after getting encouragement from your partner Pokémon....
You would look at Friede as he smiled softly at you, which still made your heart flutter...
'No, Y/N, this isn't like highschool, you're an adult now...
Don't screw this up...' you thought to yourself as you nervously followed your old childhood friend, and erm, crush into the ship.....
Friede called out for the Captain, who was guarding the ship while him and Charizard were fighting the guy...
To your surprise, Pikachu jumped down to greet you....
"Your Captain is a Pikachu!?"
You asked in both shock and in awe as he just looks so cute
"He's so cute!"
Friede couldn't help but laugh as his little buddy starts sneezing
"For future references, he's allergic to being called cute..."
"Oh wait oh my Arceus I'm so so sorry!!!" You apologized and you and your Tinkatink would bow....
Pikachu got rid of his sniffles as he stood proud..
Acting like that didn't happen as Friede looked at Pikachu
"Hey, this here is a friend of mines from when I was still the student of Lucca, mind if she tags along...?" Friede asked as Pikachu looked at you for a second and then gave Friede a look that screamed out
'Oh I see....~'
You could tell Friede IMMEDIATELY knew what his partner was thinking
"No, it's nothing like that! It's been nearly a decade and we want to catch up is all" Friede said as you chuckled...
He's usually clueless as you were surprised he caught on...
Pikachu then cleared his throat, getting back to being serious as he gave you a nod, telling you that you are good to go...
You smiled brightly, as you started to stutter...
"O..Oh thank you so much Mr. Captain!...
Th...This is a honor!!...."
The Captain smirked more...

This is the cute girl Friede told him about all those years ago....

[To be Continued!]

"It's An Adventure!" Friede X Reader Where stories live. Discover now