"The Adventure Leads to...." SEVEN

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As you and Tinkatink were excitedly getting ready for the day so you can find a hammer for Tinkatink with Friede, you had no idea of Tinkatink and Captain's little plan as you had put on your favorite outfit which was tailored to match [Favorite Pokémon]...
You loved it so much....
Friede went downstairs as he went to go get you so y'all two could go set off, but his heart force when he  saw you...
Why does he feel this way?...
He shook his head as he put on his usually smug look, the look that made your heart flutter and sing....
"Ready?" He asked as you nodded
The two of you set off to find your precious Tinkatink a hammer of her own!
First is a shop where we can find some equipment, though it is a long way ahead...
Your heart raced as you couldn't believe you were actually walking by his side...
It made you want to grab his hand so badly...
Captain rested on his head as he seemed rather smug about all of this, knowing you were completely smittened for Friede as Tinkatink just hummed softly as you held her, she was mostly just lost in thought as she imagined having a hammer, specifically a hammer not forged by Pokémon parts...
There was loud commotion coming from up ahead as Friede instinctively held his arm out
"Get behind me" he said sternly as you nodded...
You've never heard him sound so serious before in your life....
Tinkatink winced as she heard the noises of a Pokémon that sounded like it was in a lot of pain....
It was a horde of Tinkaton...
That's right, they prey on Corviknight for sport...
They heard one in particular fighting for her life as you felt your heart sting...
And to have witness that as well...
Tinkatink winced badly as she felt extremely bad for the poor bird as she poked you softly...
Usually, you would hesitate to bring out Lycanroc due to how moody she can be with you, but this was an exception...
You sent out your Lycanroc as Captain got ready for battle as well....
The two lunged at the Tinkaton horde as you tried to command your Lycanroc, but she ignored every command you gave as she thrashed the Tinkaton's left and right alongside with Captain...
Though, there seemed to be the leader of the group who was a lot more vile than the others...
She didn't just have one hammer, she wielded two hammers made with Corviknight's steel,, even armour that was straight from Bisharp's body as well....
"Captain!!! Use Thunder Punch!!!"
"Lycanroc! Please, use Stone Edge!"
Captain landed the attack only for the wild Tinkaton to block used it's second hammer as it used the other one to give Lycanroc a Critical Gigaton Hammer right to the face...
The Tinkaton didn't stop there, she wasn't letting up as she kept beating at them....
Lycanroc growled loudly as she blocked the attack for Captain...
Tinkatink watched in fear as she saw her being hurt...
No, not Lycanroc...
She's like a mother figure to her...
Lycanroc howled loudly in pain as she took another hit...
Of course, since Gigaton Hammer is a REALLY strong Steel line move, Lycanroc as a Rock type had sustained a LOT of damage...
Tinkatink cries out as she rushed in there....
"Tinkatink no!!"
Friede watched in horror as well as he was about to swoop in only for Captain to stop him...
What is going on?
Captain knew this is the strength she needed as Tinkatink used her speed to apprehend the Tinkaton....
Tinkaton tried to hit Tinkatink as she then jumped towards Lycanroc, the two had a special bond as she already knew what she needed...
Lycanroc grabbed Tinkatink and threw her towards the Tinkaton, quickly grabbing the sword, having to bite the bullet and grab the very hammer she has feared for years to protect her family....
She grabbed it as she jumped back...
Soon, it became a bitter rivalry for Tinkaton as she was not letting up at all, Tinkatink kept blocking and attacking with her new hammer as best as she could....
You sat there completely amazed...
You had no idea she could fight, I mean, she normal wouldn't at all....
Tinkatink tried to fight Tinkaton more as she was getting exhausted....
This annoyed Tinkaton as she thought Tinkatink was purposely holding back...
With all of her might she forced Tinkatink to act as she jumped over her....
And caught Lycanroc off guard with a mighty mean Gigaton Hammer once again....
This time it seriously damaged the poor Pokémon as she fell down...
You rushed towards her as you held her close...
Just as the Tinkaton was about to harm you as well, Friede order Captain to block the attack for you as Tinkatink was LIVID....
She couldn't believe it....
Tinkatink's adrenaline spiked high as she held onto her Hammer and started glowing as she rushed towards her...
Now, a Tinkatuff as she has hit the Tinkaton really hard and catching her completely off guard, giving Captain enough time to finish the wild menace a good Thunder Punch to the face as it was sent flying, team rocket style...
Tinkatuff panted heavy as she walked over to Lycanroc...
Hugging her softly as Friede picked up the injured Corviknight....
"Let's get them to Mollie..."
"Ri....Right...." you whispered as you had tears running down...
You couldn't even imagine how much pain that your Lycanroc must be in....

"It's An Adventure!" Friede X Reader Where stories live. Discover now