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125 miles, that's what lied ahead

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125 miles, that's what lied ahead. They were trying for Fort Benning. After the disaster at the CDC it was clear to the survivors that Atlanta didn't hold sanctuary for them anymore. The had barely any food, water, or gas. The children were terrified and the fighters of the group were exhausted. Their previously clean skin that they'd scrubbed raw in Jenner's sported a new layer of grime. It would be a long time before they were offered that relief again.

Rick was trying to stay hopeful, but the energy surrounding him was strange. Something had happened before Jenner opened the security door, something that had Rick feeling like he needed to prove himself. Something that had him on edge. Maevys could see it in his movements, the expressions that would cross his face before he could mask them. He knew Fort Benning was a long shot, but what else would they do? No destination was guaranteed anymore.

They'd siphoned gas and prioritized vehicles. Carol's SUV carried Rick, Lori, Carl, Carol, and Sophia. Dale drove the R.V. with Andrea, T-Dog, Glenn, and Shane in the back. That left Daryl on his motorcycle, and Maevys with a decision. Her brothers car was full, as they wanted to keep Carl and Sophia together and with their parents. But there was no way Maevys was getting into the RV with Shane, and no option for her to drive herself.

Daryl watched her stand beside Lori, the two women observing Shane climbing into the motor home and whispering to each other. Shane shot the two a look, something Daryl did not miss. He didn't like the look on Shane's face. Cold, detached. It was unsettling the way he watched Lori and Maevys. Something wasn't right.

Lori whispered something to Maeve, who turned to look at Daryl. Daryl had quickly diverted his gaze, trying to appear like he'd been attending to his bike. Maeve gave Lori's shoulder a squeeze and said parting words to her nephew and brother before approaching Daryl, hands shoved into her front pockets awkwardly.

"Hey..." she starts, puffing her cheeks as she looked down at the bike.

"You riding with me?" He asks, getting right to it. A flash of mild surprised crossed her face, before it was replaced with relief.

"I'd appreciate if you'd let me," she thanks him, too formally for his taste.

"Just get on," he huffs with a shake of his head as he positioned himself to ride.

Both of their belongings had been stowed in Rick's trunk, leaving space for Maevys to climb on behind Daryl. His cross bow hooked perfectly to the back of the bike, unfortunately Maeve had had to tuck hers away. But she would make do with the knives and gun attached to her legs, there wasn't much else of a choice.

"Where do I put my feet?" She asks him as she sits, placing her hands on his shoulders to balance herself. Daryl tried his best to ignore the flutter that erupted in his chest as she touched him.

"You've never ridden before?" Maeve shakes her head in response. "Put your feet up on this ledge here," he instructs, using a hand to tap the piece of the bike.

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