11 • Reminiscent

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This chapter contains themes of abuse and suicide. Please read cautiously.

Maevys was doing a shit job at keeping things together like Rick had asked her to

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Maevys was doing a shit job at keeping things together like Rick had asked her to. Lori was missing, likely having gone after Rick herself. Maeve had scoured the farm for her after talking to Daryl, her panic alerting Shane that something was wrong. So he took off after her, shouting at Maevys as if it was her fault Lori had jumped ship. Five members of their group were unaccounted for, Beth Greene was lying in a catatonic state with no signs of getting better, and Maevys Grimes was at her whits end.

On the farmhouse porch the clomps of Maeve's boots could be heard pacing back and forth. Her eyes stayed looking off into the dark where the cars would appear over the hill. The sun had set an hour ago, and the group was getting restless, but no headlights appeared to ease their worries. As much as she wanted to cave into her fear, Maevys had to keep it together for Carl. Both mom and dad had been gone for hours and the boy was clinging to his aunt for comfort. "They always come back," she had assured him but worried she sounded unconvincing.

Daryl Dixon remained slumped behind Maeve, watching the woman as she shuffled back and forth from the comfort of his Adirondack chair. Maeve had to stay put to be with Carl, he wouldn't let her get more than ten feet from his side. But when Daryl had offered to go after her brother Maevys told him to stay. More like commanded him, actually. She wouldn't even entertain the idea of him following after them. "I need you. I need you here," she'd told him. So he stayed.

"Look!" Carl cheers as light emanated over the hill and the rumble of a car on the rocky driveway echoed across the field. Maevys and Carl tore down the porch steps as the red truck Shane left in reached the house, Lori safe and sound in the passenger seat.

"Mom!" Carl exclaims as he throws himself around her. The way Lori stumbled on impact was not lost on Maeve.

"You alright?" Maevys asks, fussing over her at the bit of blood on her forehead. She didn't look good.

"I'm alright," she nods unconvincingly.

"She was in an accident. She was attacked," Shane tells her as he slams the truck door behind him.

At the site of Shane Walsh, Daryl's fists clenched against the railing he stood behind. He hated the mere site of Shane standing close to Maevys, let alone hearing him speak to her. He couldn't understand how she'd gone all this time being as civil as she had. Sure she would get snappy with him on occasion, but Daryl was having a hard enough time not punching the bastards teeth in.

"I am, I'm fine," she assures Maevys, the two women locking eyes.

"You scared the shit out of me Lori Grimes," Maeve scolds, folding her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry Maeve, I had to go after him. Where is he? Where is Rick?" Lori looks at her expectantly.

Maevys's eyebrows furrow at the question, shooting a glance at a guilty looking Shane. "He's not back yet, Lor," she answers.

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