Chapter 10

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Monday Evening, May 15th, 2023: 7:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Sejeong and Jihyo decided to spend the next week together after Jihyo finished work for the day. This was the opportunity that Sejeong wanted to prove herself to Jihyo as someone who could be the younger woman's romantic partner. Her first plan was to prove her ability to cook that she spoke highly of during their date.

Sejeong invited Jihyo over to her place for dinner while they were chatting during one of Jihyo's breaks. Jihyo readily accepted the invite which sent Sejeong straight to the moon. The interaction was entertaining from Jihyo's point of view as Sejeong just sent several emojis in an incoherent manner, whereas Sejeong's point of view was a calm and mature response. Needless to say, it worked out in the end.

Sejeong spent most of the afternoon cleaning up her apartment, as she usually had her story notes spewed everywhere for easier access, and getting it ready for the romantic dinner she was planning to have with Jihyo. She then went off to the local grocery store to buy all of the non-meat ingredients that she would need before heading to the local butcher for the meat that she required. She originally wanted to buy wine but remembered how Jihyo reacted during their date and decided to buy sparkling juice as a substitute. The last place she visited before heading back home was the florist to buy 10 red roses.

Upon getting home, Sejeong instantly headed for the kitchen. She put on an apron and tied a cloth around her forehead before starting to prepare all of the ingredients. She had several pots boiling simultaneously on the stovetop as she raced to make sure the majority of things were prepared for when Jihyo arrived.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang as Sejeong turned off the last burner. She took off her apron and makeshift headband before rushing to the door. A smile instantly formed on her face as she opened the door to see Jihyo standing there. She moved to the side to allow the younger woman to enter her apartment and closed the door.

Jihyo walked towards the dining room where she placed down the desserts that she bought for the two of them. She looked around in awe at the various decorations that Sejeong had up. The decorations would be considered strange for most people but truly fit the image of an author.

"Oh my God!" Jihyo exclaimed as a divine smell wafted towards her, "What smells so good?"

Sejeong giggled as she walked back towards the kitchen, "That would be all of my preparation work for tonight's dinner. Please make yourself at home. Did you want anything to drink or should we do something before I make dinner for us?"

Jihyo chuckled, "I would actually like dinner right now if you don't mind. I didn't eat anything at all today because you hyped up your cooking so much this morning."

Sejeong nodded her head as she got out a cast iron pan and placed it on the stove top, "I don't mind at all. I have been starving since I started preparing. Sit back and relax. Dinner will be served shortly," she said as did a little bow like how a butler or maid would do, eliciting laughter from Jihyo.

Jihyo sat down at the dining table before starting to observe Sejeong moving around the kitchen. She was in awe at how skilled the older woman looked. She quickly caught on that steak was being served and watched how Sejeong basted the steak with butter and thyme. What Jihyo did not know was that Sejeong spent about an hour after confirming that they would have dinner watching online videos on how to cook steak. To her credit, Sejeong executed every step with convincing confidence.

Sejeong finished up cooking and meticulously plated the steak with all of the sides that she made. She wanted to make sure that it was perfect for Jihyo even though she would normally not care. She placed the plates on the dining table where Jihyo eagerly waited. A warm feeling enveloped her whole body when she saw the younger woman's reaction.

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