Chapter 4

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Monday Evening, May 8th, 2023: 8:00 P.M

Sana's POV

Today has just been a series of ups and downs. I woke up in good spirits as I was excited to see my cute and energetic clients, I am talking about the pets of course. I immediately noticed that there was something wrong with Tzuyu the moment I walked into the office; she had this expression that just clearly said that she was upset on top of the more than usual cold energy that she was exuding. This was not necessarily something new, but it has never been this bad before. I just went about my day trying to figure out what could have upset my boss and how I could cheer her up.

At the end of the day, after putting in all my positive energy so that our clients wouldn't notice Tzuyu's coldness, I walked into our staff room to find Tzuyu typing away on her computer. I decided to do one of the things I loved doing and back hugged Tzuyu; she initially rejected me, obviously upsetting even me, but I didn't back down and gave her another back hug as this has been one of my ways of cheering Tzuyu up.

The back hug was a complete mistake though. Tzuyu blew up at me, and, for the first time in the four years that I have directly known her, basically made me cry. I just wasn't sure what I did wrong. Tzuyu had never rejected the back hugs to this day, so I thought I was the problem that caused her to be so upset today. Fortunately, I was wrong and we were able to clear up the misunderstanding.

Tzuyu and I reconvened in the breakroom after she finished her end-of-day tasks and cleared up the situation over some hot chocolate. I even got to make a new inside joke where I am, *flip hair*, an angel. But, I digress, Tzuyu, after struggling to discuss her feelings and some encouragement from me, became vulnerable. I was happy, not because she was crying her heart out which obviously broke my heart, but because she trusted me enough to show that side of her to me. I know about her past so being vulnerable like that in front of me must have been hard on her, but she admitted that it somehow felt nice being vulnerable and wrapped up in my arms at the same time compared to her best friends. This ended up making me even happier because I just love being able to help others and led to me promising to support her so long as she needed it.

Even though I know the reason for Tzuyu's outburst at me, I still have to say that I was frightened beyond belief. I have never seen her blow up the way she did. I know that the mere mention of Jihyo can upset her, but this is a completely different level of anger. Anyways, I have to watch out for Tzuyu. Not only because I do not want her to blow up at a client, but anger is not the way to go. Anger just leads to negative energy and emotions which will only cause more problems than resolve them. My motto is that positive energy and happy emotions are conducive to a happy and fulfilling life. I don't want to toot my own horn on this one, but Tzuyu has mentioned to me that my energy has been a blessing.

"Sana-chan?" a voice suddenly called out.

I jolted up and looked around at my surroundings. I had completely forgotten that I was at a restaurant with my two best friends: Hirai Momo and Kim Dahyun. Momo is the same age as me, while Dahyun is younger than me and Momo by two years. A fun fact is that Tzuyu is one year younger than Dahyun. But I digress, Momo and Dahyun are well accomplished dance and piano teachers, respectively; who have won several competitions each over the years. They are also a famous couple in the Arts scene as they have performed original pieces together. Needless to say, I am pretty mediocre compared to them; not that it matters really.

Momo and I are originally from Japan and are family friends. We moved to South Korea as kids. We faced a lot of hardship as the kids in our neighbourhood were basically bullies and racists who hated foreigners. I didn't really mind too much so long as I had Momo, but I knew that Momo took the hateful comments to heart.

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