Eric Draven x male bartender reader (smut)

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Requested by VincentSinclairss

It a dark rainy night, there was barely people left in the bar since it was currently 2am on a Thursday night. There had been a gentleman with clown like make up getting wasted, he was just looking at the table in shame. "Bartender can I have some more?" The man asks. You came over to him with a disapproving look on your face. "Sir you have had 4 bottles of whiskey." You politely said back to the black haired man. "Heyyyy, what's your name?" He randomly asked, he looks at you with his drunken brown eyes glistening in the bars lights. "Uhm, I'm y/n what's yours?" You questioned, as your eyes couldn't resist but look back at his. "I'm Eric Draven." He responded drunkly. Eric suddenly got up from his seat and tried to go out the door. "Wait!" You say to the tall man. Eric looked back at you wondering what you could want. "Let me walk you back, it could be dangerous." You educated him. He grabbed your hand and brought you back inside to the men's restroom. "I can be dangerous." He said and pinned you against the wall, his lips smashed into yours. You two shared a deep and loving kiss, Eric unzipped your pants and took off your boxers. The curly headed man started to suck you off, it felt like the gods blessed you with this man. You pushed Eric's head down on your cock, you could hear his muffled soft moans. Although he was sloppy because he was drunk, but he was doing so good. Eric made you feel so good, you started to loudly moan. You soon came in his mouth and he grab onto you and put you on the floor. You undid his black jeans and took off his boxers, you started to jerk him off, his moans and whimpers sounded so cute to you. You went faster, you could see the desperate look in his eyes. "Please..." he struggled to say. "Please what?" You teased the man. "Please, do it faster." Eric requested. You jerked him off faster, he made more desperate moans. He soon came and fell asleep in the bathroom, you dressed him and yourself. You closed up the bar and took Eric to your house. You put the sleeping man on your bed and y'all cuddled until the next day.

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