Lestat x female reader smut

156 4 5

Requested by VincentSinclairss

It was a stormy night, you were taking a walk to calm down your nerves. That night you had a nightmare and you couldn't go back to sleep, so you decided to take a walk. You eventually got to a bench and you wanted to sit down. Suddenly, a figure appears behind you.

You get startled and flitch, you turned around to see a rather tall man with dirty blonde hair. "Oh, you scared me, who might you be?" You asked confused. "My name is Lestat, and you are?" The pale man said with his French accent. "Oh, I'm Y/n." You answered.  Lestat looked at you, his eyes filling with lust.

That's when you noticed his fangs, that's when things started to click. His pale skin, sharp teeth, and suddenly appearing behind you. "Y-You're- a...a-" you tried to say, but he interrupted. "A vampire?" He said with a darkened expression. "Please don't kill me!" You begged the man. Lestat looked at you with his resting bitch face.

That's when the lust filled vampire grabbed your arm and teleported you into a room. You saw him lock the door. "Do I have your consent?" Lestat politely said. "Uhm....yeah." You said unsure about your decision. He walked over to you and started to passionately make out with you.

Things started to get hot when Lestat started to slowly rip your clothes off. He brought you to his cleanly made bed and took off his clothes. You softly moaned as he inserted his tongue into your mouth. His dick was about 7.5 inches and had 2 veins, it had a pale pink tip and it was very thick.

That's when you felt his dick enter your pussy hole, you gasped as you gripped onto the sheets. "Struggling already? We've just started." Lestat chuckled. He started to violently thrust into you as you made high pitched moans. The bed started shaking aggressively as he went faster and harder.

You heard his loudly groan, his tip hitting your cervix. You rolled your eyes back, that's when you felt something weird in your stomach. You knew you were about to finish. "Please! I'm about to finish!~" You moaned. That's when he made one final thrust that made both of you come. He came with loud groan, before pulling out and falling asleep.

Never back down never what?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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