How do they feel about kids?

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Hannibal lecter: Hmm, he hasn't really thought about it. He likes kids, he will cook for them, take care of them, etc. if they find out his secret though he will gaslight them, and if they are not dumb he will play with their emotions but he won't kill them unless it's for his own benefit. If he does have a reason to kill a kid it would depend how old they are, 0-14 are too young for him to even think about killing. 15-16 he will manipulate them and 17-19 he will kill them if he has a reason to.

Stu macher and Billy loomis: Stu loves kids, meanwhile Billy is okay, Billy just fears that he will abandon them. Stu and Billy will definitely scare them and pull pranks on them. Cuddles for days, that kid will get lots of cuddles, Stu will become a mom, Billy will be like the distant dad. It doesn't mean Billy won't try to take care of them, he tries in his own little way.

Michael Myers: He's okay with them, as long as they don't get in his way. Michael is not that much of a caretaker, I mean he's been in an asylum since he was 6, so he has no basic skills of taking care of a child. He will only get involved with children if you adopt one or become pregnant or something and even that is a maybe. Even if he became a father, he would be distant to the kid, look Michael would love them in his own way but he lacks empathy and sympathy so if it cries he won't try anything, that's your problem.

Pennywise: First of all it's a child killer, it kills and eats kid's souls, second of all in the book it is a groomer so that won't end well. The only way I can see it sparing a child is if it's your child and that takes a lot convincing for it not to kill the child. When you do it might not care for the kid, maybe cracks a few jokes to the kid but that's really it. Pennywise doesn't get along with kids, so it would be hard for Pennywise to spare a child and not groom them.

Billy Lenz: Yeahhh no, seeing what he possibly did to Agnes in the original film it's a bad idea. Billy would try to avoid it, he's not a big fan of kids anyway, and if you do bring a kid home or something then it's best if you take the kid with you when you go out or have someone else watch the child. If Billy gets along with the kid then you could maybe leave the kid with him, I wouldn't take chances though. Something bad can still happen, but it would depend how they get along. Plus Billy would be afraid of hurting them or worse, as you can tell Billy is mentally ill so kids are a no no.

Bubba Sawyer: He would be great with kids, Bubba is a family man after all. I can see Bubba playing dress up with the kid as well as play princesses/princes with kid. The child would find it difficult to understand him though, but it's okay. Bubba would play games with them, take care of them, arts and crafts, etc. He would make a great father too, Bubba is supper gentle with the kid because he doesn't want to hurt them, for example he would hug the kid lightly so he doesn't smush them.

Jason Voorhees: Jason loves kids, he doesn't kill kids so of course he loves them. Jason would never harm them and is a great caretaker. Jason would even teach them sign language, and bring them lots of flowers. He would steal things for them too, Jason is a very sweet man. Since he's very strong I can see him picking them up all the time and he would definitely become attached.

Freddy Kruger: You're funny if you think that kid is living, I mean come on this man is a kid murderer. Freddy would only spare them if it his child. But if it isn't? Yeah buddy they are dying, if the kid is a family member then maybe. You have to beg for him not to kill them though and the outcome would be a 30% chance. You gotta think how much he hates kids, plus he gives off pedo vibes so I think not.

Candyman: I mean he has no opinion on them, he likes kids to a current extent. But if you think about it he killed a baby to make his legend known. Candyman could spare the kid though the chances are 50/50, as long as they don't summon him or something then they should be fine. I mean he doesn't know how to take care of kids so that will be your job. Candyman will help every once and a while though.

Brahms Heelshire: Brahms maybe has a breeding kink but that doesn't mean he wants children. It is likely he may kill the kid, it depends. He would definitely be jealous that's just the type of man he is, so good luck. If Brahms does spare the kid then he's distant, he doesn't want to hurt it but doesn't want to interact with it. The only way he shows his appreciation for the kid is him making sandwiches for it and maybe letting them in the walls, but that's if they have gain trust with him.

The predator/Yautja: Oh he definitely protecting this child his or not, it's like his little family. Yautja would take the kid hunting if they're a boy and pamper them if they're a girl. I mean he's an alien, of course the kid will have different treatment based on its gender. Either way he would love the kid, he's a family after all.

Bo Sinclair: Uhm, a kid? Hmmm, he doesn't know how to feel about this. I mean he won't kill them, he'll just be aggressive around them. It takes a lot of trust for them to go soft on the kid, looking back on his childhood it's best if y'all don't have a kid. Maybe if he gets therapy, but even that won't fix him last time Lester tried to give him therapy Bo ended getting frustrated. Bo would never hurt the kid, but if the kid makes him mad then he would go outside to cool off, he definitely doesn't want to treat the child like his parents treated him.

Vincent Sinclair: Oh boy trauma,Vincent is hesitant with kids. He tries to be a good father figure to them though, he's just afraid to mistreat them. Eventually he gets comfortable enough to bring them down to his work, heck he even teaches them how to paint. He's great with kids, but he has to learn to take care of them first once he does he's protective over them like he is with you, Bo, and Lester. (By the way, do y'all guys think Vincent is also protective of Lester?)

Lester Sinclair: He doesn't know a single thing about taking care of kids, I mean his parents neglected him when he was younger, so that brings back a little trauma. He teaches them to hunt no matter what gender they are. Lester would probably teach them how to hunt when they are 8 or older. Lester would think he's doing a bad job though, and this will probably end in him crying in his sleep.

Norman Bates: hmm, as long as they don't bother him when he's working then he's fine with them. Norman gets nervous that he's doing a bad job, but no need to fear Norma is here! Norma would be great to the kid and would favor the kid over you since she's a bitch. Norman overthinks if you couldn't tell, so he's hesitant to actually step in as a caretaker. He would get use to them though.

Thanks for reading! What character should I do for a character catch up? (I will do character I know)

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