Chapter 28

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"We're heading to Mountain Pass today," says Nathan, as our team regroups in Oceano the next day.

I can't get Aileen's words out of my head. With her right next to me, I keep hearing her voice about Nathan being a serial killer. Yesterday's conversation replays in my brain. A person with a secret identity? Who could he really be?

"That's crazy," Mags says. "Mountain Pass is a PVP zone."

"PVP?" I ask, a bit rusty on my gaming terminology.

"Player versus player," Olivia clarifies. "People could kill us and steal our stuff."

"The weathering fragments are at the safe keep back in the guild house," Nathan says. "We have nothing that important to lose."

"Speak for yourself," says Mags. "My weapons and equipment are expensive."

"But think of what we can gain," Cody says. "The Mountain Pass is home to three bosses. And their drop rates for rare items are off the chain."

Aileen and I are quiet. Of course, we don't know too much about the game. Aileen has been playing longer than me, but compared to these veterans we're completely clueless. But Nathan is looking at me like I've something to say. His kindness is evident in the openness of his eyes and the ease in his smile. But he's still a mystery to me.

He nudges me in the side. "What do you think? And Aileen?"

I think about what I told Aileen, my commitment to be less ordinary. "The Mountain Pass sounds like a great idea. If there are three bosses there, that's our best bet in finding more weathering fragments."

Aileen jumps in a second later. "I'm with Josiah. We could gain three more fragments if things go as planned."

Mags releases a heavy sigh. "Well I guess that settles it. Let's prepare for our doom."

Olivia scrunches her face. "I wouldn't be surprised if we die a few times in the Pass."

The Olivia isn't confident in her abilities to stay alive? The Mountain Pass must be no joke. Aileen must be having the same thoughts, because she sends me a concerned glance that says something like "what have we gotten ourselves into?"

We walk toward the north of Oceano, where the port city gives way to a jagged path between two mountains. There's no one in our proximity. The rocky cliff looms high above us, blocking off the sun and entering the cloud line. It's eerily quiet here, and it seems like the type of area where dying is a strong possibility. I don't see any mobs, but the darkness could be home to anything. Namely the aggravated player ready to spill our blood.

"Because this is a PVP zone, we don't have to worry about monsters," Nathan says for the benefit of me and Aileen. "That's kind of a relief, but the hunters here are violent and reckless. We have to watch out for them."

Before we enter, everyone blows their buffing abilities. Our agility, defenses, and offenses increase. Judging by the grim faces of the veteran members, we're going to need every possible stat to fend for ourselves in the Pass. I look like a fool dancing in front of my teammates, but I do it for the sake of the bonus effects. I'm really beginning to understand why people don't watch to choose a minstrel for their class. It's definitely not for everyone to stage miniature performances while preparing for or in the heat of battle.

The Pass is dark and cold, the sunlight almost completely blocked out. A faint line of color seeps through the jagged rock faces. I hear nothing beside our footsteps, but I feel like at any moment a player will jump out at us. I keep my eyes peeled, scanning from left to right. I make out weird things in the shadows. I'm pretty sure I'm fooling myself thanks to my own fear.

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