Chapter Nine

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3 Days later and it is December 2nd.

The month of Christmas.

Where love is spread around and people get the joy of presents and music.

Did I mention, love?

I saw Michael's brother in the living room watching television.

You know.. The brother that I had a "make-out" session with.

Michael and I have been avoiding each other for 3 days now.

We won't talk.

But I want to make him talk.

"Hey." I say and Michael's brother looks over to me.

"Hey mama." He says. "What are you doing up, it's late." He says and I smile and walk over to him while in just a baggy shirt.

"Just couldn't sleep." I say and he smirks.

I sit on his lap while slightly straddling him.

"You know.. I haven't stopped thinking about you, it's the reason why I couldn't sleep." I say and he smirks.

"Is that so?" He questions and I nod. "Well then, what can I do to help you stop thinking about me?" He says flirtatiously.

"Touch me?" I question in a suggestive way.

"Don't mind if I do." He says as he winks and lays me on the couch and hovers over me.

He is kind of hot, so it didn't take much for me to feel good around him.

He placed his hands on my body and kissed my neck slowly.

"Looks like you have a hickey from somebody else. Do you mind if I give you a second one baby?" He asked.

I had an hickey?

Was it from Michael from 3 days ago?

After about a few minutes, I knew Michael would be out here to leave because he was working over at the studio over night.

Perfect timing.

"Kayla?!" Michael questions as I look up at him.

"Oh hello Mikey. Care to join?" I question and Michael looks at me in disgust.

"Get off of her, man!" Michael says angrily as he pushes his brother.

Michael grabbed me by my arm and yanked me towards the door.

"What are you doing?! Let go!" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Michael, she chose me. Do not force her to stick with you, she isn't an object." Says Michael's brother.

"Isn't an object? You treat her like one! Over here touching all up on her, the hell you mean, and before you try dating another girl, talk to your chic. She showed up at like 2 in the morning 4 days ago." Michael says angrily and Michael's brother's eyes widen.

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