
820 41 14

Author note----

Here is yours awaiting update... I couldn't make it earlier for my busy schedule.... Sorry and enjoy the update my dear readers 💙


A dark dangerous voice bombed in the room...That voice shuddered Janvi and her body turned cold...
Janvi gulped down her saliva and turned around slowly and met with a pair of dark cold threatening dark brown eyes...He was standing at the door...She felt her mouth dry...

Arjun started to take steps towards Janvi and Janvi took steps backwards in reflection...Soon Janvi's back came to the contact of the wall...She was standing beside the side table and Arjun was decreasing the distance between them taking large steps...He stood just a few feet away from her... Arjun took another step and Janvi closed her eyes out of fear...
Arjun put one hand on the wall beside Janvi's head and kept leaning until his face was just few inches away from her...
Janvi shrieked when Arjun held her chin up but she didn't open her eyes...

Arjun ordered Janvi... Janvi felt the unspoken rage in his voice...She doesn't want to rise his anger more...She slowly open her eyes and look at him...She regrets her decision to look at him...

Arjun spoke in a cold tune.... Without breaking the eye contact he bent aside and took out the gun from the drawer....Janvi's eyes widen in fear when her eyes land on the gun which is now in Arjun's hand...
He suddenly took Janvi's hand and put the gun...It slipped from her hand as she felt throns all over the gun...Arjun caught the gun in time as he was ready to catch it...

Arjun finished his line...All the time he didn't avert his eyes from Janvi who is trembling being scared and her face paled long before when she discovered the gun in the drawer...Still her full attention was on the gun...

"She is the wife of Mafia King...She needs to handle all these things...She has to be habitual to guns and bloods...Her fate brought her into the dark world of his... "
Arjun's thoughts in his mind...

Arjun tucked his gun in pant and hide it from Janvi's sight...He held Janvi's arm and made her sit on the bed... Janvi didn't look at him...Arjun opened the second drawer of the side table and took the medicine and placed it on Janvi's palm...He poured water in the glass and stood before Janvi...

With the shaking hand Janvi put the medicine inside her mouth and Arjun held the water glass to her drink....She gulped a large amount of water as she was thirsty for long time...

Arjun kept the glass on side table and left the room....
Janvi took a deep breath....She almost forgot she doesn't lead a normal life anymore...Her life has changed from that moment when he married her...
Janvi felt suffocated in the room....She went to the balcony for some fresh air...The weather is peaceful but her mind is just opposite...


Janvi lost the track of time while standing in the balcony until she felt something moving on her neck and it was going back of the neck... She tried to jerk off that thing...After couple of try she was finally successful....
She tried to look out for that thing which was on her neck but couldn't find it....She felt a little burning sensation and itching at the same time...
She rubbed the whole affected area then she came to the room and looked at the mirror...Her right side of neck and shoulder turned red...
Then she thought to rub ice on that spot to prevent the burning sensation...
She went downstairs and then went to the kitchen...There was no sign of Arjun...She felt relaxed...After searching for some time she found the ice box in the refrigerator...She took one cube and started to rub where it was burning and itching...She felt relieved when the cold ice cube made the contact of her burning and itching skin...Her back was facing the door of the kitchen...

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