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Author note----

Here is the update for my lovely readers...Keep reading and be happy💜

It was quite dark in the deep forest...The full moon couldn't help much in the deep forest...The branches and leaves are an obstacle here... They are giving the environment a haunted look...

Janvi was running....She was trying to run fast, as she was running for her life... Darkness and her saree making it difficult for her to run...She was panting hard....Her mouth and throat was totally dry... The whole situation was making her more thirsty...

She couldn't run more....So, she stood holding a tree and was taking deep breaths to supply her lungs more oxygen....Her heart was beating rapidly....

Suddenly, there was again loud gunshots which made Janvi startled in fear...She was shaking vulnerably...This situation made her cry out in helplessness...She started to run again...There was no strength left in her body....But she have run away from here...She was dragging her body with her self power...

After running sometime she stand still...She was middle of the forest...She doesn't know where to go... She lost the track which direction she was supposed to go...She looked around being panicked but didn't get any way...

"Oh my god, I have lost the direction..."
Janvi started to cry loud...

"Which direction should I go now?.."
She asked herself as there was no one to answer her...

Suddenly, some wild animals started to roar which turned Janvi's blood cold...She was already scared and now these wild animals roar made the situation even worse...

Janvi ran to the opposite direction from where the wild animals making sounds....She ran as fast as she could...

All of a sudden, she stepped on some sharp things which get into her feet...She winched in pain...She had to leave the wooden house hurriedly...That moment she was not in the position to wear any footwear...

She tried to see what got into her feet but couldn't because of the darkness...She touched her feet and that thing...It was some sharp branches with thorns... She doesn't know how many got into her feet....
She tried to pull them out which made her cry in pain...

"I have to take them out...yes...I can do it..."
She motivated herself....She wiped her tears and took a deep breath and pulled that branch.... It was very painful...She bit her lower lip not to make any sound but some sobs escaped from her mouth...

She took out 2/3 throns and she felt some was still inside...She wiped her face and tried to take some steps forward...She couldn't walk much with her wounded feet...

She looked around and found a tree with a large log...She limped towards the tree and sat down with difficulties...She shrieked hearing the wild animals roar again...She brought her knees to her chest and hugged herself...She buried her face into her knees and cried silently...

Some hours ago-

Arjun asked while placing the lunch tray in front of Janvi...Janvi didn't replied and kept looking at her lap...

Arjun's warning made Janvi shivered...She was angry with him....He tied her hands for hours and didn't even bother to remove it...It didn't block her blood circulation but it was painful...

"N-n-no....please open the...."
Arjun glared Janvi which made her stop in the middle of her sentence...She instantly looked down...
Arjun inspected the affected area...It was looking better than before... It would have even battered if she didn't scratches...Some spots turned into darker shade...If someone sees these rashes they might think those mark's something else...

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