Chapter Two

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So we await a signal telling us this isn't how it's supposed to be, fanning flames of emptiness.

Aizawa had many expectations for how his day would turn out.

His class defying all logic with their unbelievable stupidity? certainly not ideal, but unfortunately predictable.

Hizashi accidentally hitting him square in the eye with his ridiculous updo? Frustrating, yet a logical consequence of marrying the dramatic blonde.

Falling asleep at the wheel of his car, swerving at the last possible moment, and only narrowly avoiding a car crash? A typical monday.

One thing that Shota had decidedly not expected was for the number two hero to be found dead in his own home.

Endeavors body had been discovered this morning, reportedly called in by his own daughter, who had discovered the corpse whilst making breakfast.

The case was being handled with the utmost discretion, with both the HPSC and police working together, the former of which had yet to make a public statement.

While Shota had not held any particular feelings towards the man, he had to admit that such a bold crime made even him feel uneasy, a sentiment that was mirrored by the rest of society.

Afterall, if the number two hero isn't safe in his own home, who is?

With a sigh he pocketed his phone, rubbing his face furiously as he settled down into his garish yellow sleeping bag. Crime would be on the rise, and sleep would soon become a luxury amongst heroes.

As he drifted off to sleep, his mind went back to the case, and not for the first time he spared a thought for the Todoroki children. He could only hope Social Security did their fucking jobs for once.

No matter their lacklustre track record, even they wouldn't allow the children of the former number two hero to slip through the cracks.

Afterall, all of Japan would surely be watching them with baited breath.

When Shoto awoke, it was slow and lazy. His surroundings slowly came into view as he battled the heavy haze settling over his vision, his body feeling impossibly heavy.

Sleep settling into his bones so resolutely was not uncommon, in fact he found it happening every time the opportunity arose.

Typically, Endeavor was not the kind of man who indulged such idle resting, keeping his schedule airtight with a strict five hours every night. Shoto imagined that if it was feasible, Endeavor would have him in the training room every waking moment until the day he died.

He supposed it was cathartic then, that he could now choose to be as lazy as he wished.

His father was dead, afterall.

And yet...

A familiar knot of anxiety settled heavily in his chest, a nagging voice in his mind demanding that he get up, the consequences of disobedience weighing heavily in his mind.

He felt his fingers twitching under the blanket, which seemed to become heavier with every passing moment he spent trapped underneath the plush white duvet.

''No hesitation, Shoto. Villains will not sit idly by while you indulge your indolence.''

And so Shoto found himself standing on the floorboards of the cramped room, blinking the sleep from his eyes.

As he looked around the room, he noticed the sun rising yet again outside of the window. He supposed it was for the best, at least he could now be certain of his situation.

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