Chapter Three

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There's no salvation within your reach. Yet still, I recall your warmth...

''Happy birthday, Shoto.'' his father spoke softly, reverently, as if his name alone was something special, something to be treasured.

He was handed a small cat plushie, with bright teal eyes and fluffy white fur.

The boy has never held something so soft before, and he fumbles with it clumsily before gripping the fluffy cat by its ears, pinched between finger and thumb as he examines the gift with an awestruck expression.

''Thank you, father.'' Shoto says, a smile creeping onto his face.

His siblings seemed to hate him, and his mother had recently begun to avoid him. Shoto had learnt to not expect presents.

His fathers large hand rests on his head, messing the boy's white and red hair together, an affectionate gesture that causes Shotos smile to stretch impossibly wider.

Shoto loved his father.

The Hero Commission had been in disarray since the number two hero's corpse was discovered mere days ago.

They had worked swiftly, establishing a team composed of commission members, Heroes and Detectives from Musutafu.

There was no hiding a case this huge, and news of Endeavors death quickly swept through Japan, only minutes after his body had been recovered from the Todoroki estate.

The police put out a statement quickly, hoping to ease the worries of the public. It was revealed that Endeavor died from a stab wound to his chest. The knife was discovered to have been one of his own.

The public were also reassured that the Todoroki children were all safe and accounted for, and staying with relatives.

''One of Endeavors children, Todoroki Shoto, has been reported missing.'' The commission member spoke calmly, standing nonchalantly at the front of the board room as he stated such crucial information as if it held no importance.

A plain looking detective raised his hand, waiting silently for approval to begin speaking.

''Detective Tsukauchi, from the Musutafu Police Force.'' He introduced himself, sitting straighter as the room collectively laid their eyes on him.

''Why are there no plans to release this information publicly? Somebody could have spotted him, he's only a child, we should focus on taking him into custody as soon as possible.''

The commission member nodded in acknowledgement, coughing into his arm casually before responding.

''Todoroki Fuyumi provided us with a description of the boy, we will wait a few days until organising a search and announcing he ran away from a relatives house.''

A silence fell over the room yet again, broken only by the sounds of pen scratching against paper. Detective Tsukauchi moved to ask another question, but was silenced by the glare of his captain, mouth shutting closed as he clenched his fists in frustration.

He couldn't understand why the Commission had been acting so strangely during this investigation; making seemingly nonsensical, bordering on deceptive commands.

It was frustrating that a child was out there, likely distressed and alone on the streets as they waited around for seemingly no reason. But Tsukauchi knew his place. If he tried to argue, he would be swiftly removed from this case altogether.

And so he swallowed his anger, and unclenched his hands, picking up a pen as he continued listening to the Commission member go over details of the investigation.

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