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Friday,March 15 2011
On a sunny day

Namra came back her home finally after her Ballet competition,
Namra entered her home
Namra:"mama,I'm homeee"
*her mom turned back and looked at namra*
Her mom:"namra,my precious daughter..why didn't you tell you'll come? I wanted to make you delicious food"
Namra:"no problem mom,I bought some snacks for us,and they gave us free toys in the Ballet competition,I'll give them to yeosho (yeosho is namra's little brother)"
Her mom:"oh I can't believe,you both fight 24/7,*precious chuckle*"
Namra:"I know,I'll go my room now,mom"
*namra said and walked to her room*
*when she entered her room she jumped on her bed and layed on it,then opened her phone and found that Rina texted her*
Rina:home home yet?
*namra smiled on her phone the texted Rina back*
Namra:yes,I feel so relaxed,idk why..lmao
Rina:it's normal dw,are you in the mood for a movie tonight?
Namra:ofc girl,I'll be at your home on 8pm
Rina:okay,I'll organize the night,bye bye
*namra closed her phone with the most innocent smile on her face*

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