namra's a pshyco

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                   CHAPTER FOUR

*when namra went back the crowd*
Rina:"whats wrong namra?"
*Rina raised her eyebrow then focused back on the game*
Leo:"namra-shi,do you love ice cream"
Namra:"yes I love it,now shut up...I wanna focus"
*namra's eyes were on zayen...admiring him*

*after the game,zayen walked towards them*
Leo:" did well"
Zayen:"I told you I won't lose my pretty girls"
*zayen looked at namra*
Zayen:"oh hi beautiful,got a name?"
*namra gave him a death stare but deep inside her..butterflies are dancing in her stomach*
Namra:"not funny,it's namra...Lee namra"
Zayen:"it's zayen...kang zayen" *zayen copied her way of talking to tease her*
Zayen:"Rina,how're you doing"
Rina:"nothing really,what about you?"
Zayen:"nothing too,I was planning if we could go eat sth to celebrate that I won"
Rina:"oh yeah let go,"
*Rina took his arm and walked*
*namra looked at rina's hand placement then cleared her throat*
Leo:"come on..they'll be there before us"
*Leo said and walked with them..namra stood there silent then walked with them too*
*at the restaurant,Rina,zayen,Leo and namra sitting on the table waiting for the food*
Zayen:"it's so hard to be 17 years old"
Zayen:"not like you kids"
Namra:I'm not a year isn't a thing"
Zayen:"well it is,cutie"
Namra:"shut up"
*the food arrived,after they finished eating..namra's lips were red cause she ate spicy food*
Zayen:"oh poor girl,her lips are about to disappear,she don't even have lips"
Namra:"I do have"
Zayen:"kiss me then"
*all of thm went silence*
Leo:"ohhh..romantic vibes"
Namra:"s-shut up"

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