should i love him?

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                    CHAPTER FIVE

*when namra went back home,she entered her room and layed on her bed,overthinking about what just happened today,with butterflies in her whole body*
*she got up from the bed and sat on her desk,then opened her diary and start writing her random feelings*
(Dear diary...I'm not sure yet if they're true feelings,maybe they're just delusions,as usual..maybe I'm not even interested,but I'm delusional..but pls God,if they're true feelings..pls let it end with sth good...,17th March 2011)
*she closed her diary then opened her phone and found her self in an unknown instagram group '4 dumbass'
She found rina's account in the group*
*then decided to send a message*
Namra:what is this?
Zayen:I'm zayen,dumb...
Namra:zayen?..what is this group?
Zayen:me and rina decided to make a group chat,Me,rina,leo and you
Namra:okay then
Leo:HEY NEMOO!..its your dude leo
namra:who's Nemo?
Namra:me??nemo?? gotta change this nickname,just call me namra
Leo:no I won't,I like the nickname,Nemo
Namra:what about calling you Dory?
Leo:I don't have a problem at all..I like that name,nice to meet you Nemo
Namra:shut up dory
Leo:Nemo,are you free tomorrow?
Leo:okay,tomorrow me and zayen will go to the fish lomo park
Namra:then I'll come
Leo:why suddenly changing yout mind?
Namra:cause I wanna go the park
*namra is lying,she'll go cause zayen will be there*
Leo:okay then
Namra:see you tomorrow,Dory
Leo:good night nemo

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