who's zayen?

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ZAYEN:"I'm great bro,what about you"
Leo:"well,tomorrow is the final match"
Zayen:"final match? Mhm...OH NO I FORGOT"
LEO:"get ready then,all the pretty girls are coming tomorrow,they can't see their 'handsome crush' losing the game,hehe"
Zayen:"can you shut up little jerk?..I can't lose"
Leo:"don't be sure"
Zayen:"oh yeah,a stupid girl pumped into me and fell on the ground,she expected me to apologize!!..it was hee fault"
Leo:"oh yeah,ik wdym by stupid,that means she's pretty"
Zayen:"ugh,no bye..see you tomorrow,I'll go get ready"
*Rina texted namra*
Rina:namra,come with me today let's go watch the match
Namra:I don't want
Rina:girl,Kang zayen will be there!!
Namra:girl are ya stupid in love with zayen?
Rina:hell no,I'll never fell in love
Rina:pleaseee,I'll buy you strawberries
Namra:then okayyy-yayy

*at the match crowd namra entered wearing a black hoodie and baggy jeans while Jina wearing a white skirt and pink blouse*

Namra:"ik that would be so boring"
Rina:"girl shut up,they'll start now"
*Leo walked towards them and shook hands with rina*
Leo:"whats up Rina,oh who's that beautiful girl"
*namra gave him a death stare*
Namra:"who are you?"
Leo:"I'm park Leo,Consider me as your new buddy"
*namra rolled her eyes*
Rina:"sorry,she's a stubborn and a rat"
*before namra could even answer,the match started and the players entered the stadium,but namra's eyes fell on a one player,the one with the 21 jersey..KANG ZAYEN*
*all the crowd start screaming Zayen's name,the girls were going crazy,while namra is watching him silently while having a weird feeling in her heart*
Namra:"o-oh..I think I should go the restroom quickly"
*namra said and ran to the bathroom*
Rina:"mhm what's wrong with her.."
*Leo and Rina stared at her running with raised eyebrows*
*at the bathroom,namra looked at the mirror*
Namra:"no no no,that can't be for real....ig it's just stupid harmons..ig they're yeah,motivation,breath..I'm okay..I won't fell in love again..I already said sonmin was my last love" *namra said to herself,while talking like a pshyco*

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