•°▪︎you do know▪︎°•

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                    CHAPTER NINE

*namra was sitting at the school break with Leo,while overthinking*
Leo:"what is taking all your attention nemo?"
Namra:"do you save secrets?"
Namra:"nah you're lying,I don't think I can trust you"
Leo:"no no,trust me"
Namra:"pls don't tell anyone,even zayen and rina"
Leo:"I promise I won't tell anyone"
*Namra sighed*
Namra:"right now,I love sb,I won't tell you who it is...but just listen"
Leo:"I'm listening"
Namra:"I love a boy..no..I don't know what kind of feelings I'm having towards him,he's not even my type,but I feel a weird feeling towards him for no reason,maybe I don't love him or even like him but I'm just delusional"
Namra:"I haven't told Rina yet,I'm planning to tell her,I think she'll help me with it,we will talk about 24/7...she will help me to make him love me back,"
Leo:"good idea,tell her...but who is it"
Namra:"it is...it is...no I don't want to say"
Leo:"okay,I won't force you...but when you're ready to tell me..I'm here,okay nemo?"
Namra:"dory..why are you being so kind"
*Leo chuckled*
Leo:"cause I'm talking with my nemo"
*namra chuckled as well*
*at night,namra was at rina's house watching a movie together*
Namra:"pause the movie,I wanna tell you something"
Rina:"no,I wanna watch"
Namra:"oh come onnnnn"
Rina:"ugh fine" *Rina turned off the tv*
Rina:"what is it"
Namra:"Rina...I'm in love"
Rina:"still sonmin?"
Namra::ofcourse no,I mean...you'll be traumatized when you know"
Rina:"go ahead"
*rina's smile disappeared"
Rina:"z-zayen?...y-you mean zayen?? Kang zayen? The zayen we know??
Namra:"I know it's crazy..isn't it?"
Rina:"I mean..I never expected..hm"
Namra:"no one expected,I think I'm really crazy"
Rina:"I wanna show you something,"

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