Born Bad

666 4 14

*Edited December 28*

Dark Horse - Katy Perry feat. Juicy J

Chapter 1

It was night. All the activity that occurs usually happens after dark. Sitting in his small flat with his legs crossed on his bed, Albedo contemplated to himself how Ben Tennyson always managed to get the drop on him. Was it because of his teammates? Was it that he always found a loophole in his plans? No, his intellect was far too high to leave anything unchecked. Or was it that he was just better than him?

Groaning in frustration, he tugged on his silver locks, which he despised. He despised everything about his appearance. He was cursed with the looks of Ben Tennyson. The only difference there was, was the red eyes and the white hair, and also the red jacket.

“Ugh, how much longer must I endure this putrid prison? How much longer do I have to suffer for that boy's insolence?” He mumbled aloud. This had been going on for more or less a year, him and Tennyson fighting back and forth. Albedo was running out of ideas. Sooner or later he would be arrested, or worse, forced to return to the hand of Azmuth.

Albedo swore vengeance, upon Ben and Azmuth, but right now he was tired of fighting. His train of thought was interrupted by a low growling which came from his stomach. “And how much longer do I have to put up with this body's disgusting cravings?”

The main reason Albedo chose the flat he currently stayed was because the building was situated nearby a Burger Shack, for the sole purpose of satisfying his chili fries need. He grabbed his jacket off the adjacent couch and exited the small space.

Luckily it was night, so he would have minimal human contact. Good thing the Burger Shack was open 24/7 as well. He just hoped that he would not run into Ben and his team on a night patrol or anything. They always seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The restaurant was empty, except for the cashier and a dark figure in the last booth. Albedo walked to the counter and tried to make himself look less desperate. “Chili Fries. Two.” He didn't bother to try and speak the way humans did. To him it sounded so, primitive. “And make haste. I am impatient.”

“It wouldn't hurt you to say please every once in a while.” The cashier chastised the regular customer. Albedo narrowed his eyes at the arrogant man who was most likely in his late twenties.

“I am the one with the money, am I not?” He shot back. The cashier scoffed and retreated to the kitchen. He had to wait a few minutes before the cashier returned with his food.

“Enjoy your fries Sir. Come again.” The cashier sighed. It must have been tiresome, having to say that to every customer. Not to mention being exhausted from working a 24 hour shift. But of course, the only thing Albedo could think of was getting as much chili fries into his mouth that could actually fit.

Seeing as the place was after all empty, and the cashier disappeared back to the kitchen, he decided to sit down at a table for once. He wasn't in a hurry to return to his cramped flat.

He chose a table with two chairs. Before he even sat down his hand was already digging into the packaging. Soon he was sitting and stuffing his face. He would ridicule himself later for the disgusting urges, but right now he didn't care.

By the time he was finished with the first portion his stomach was filled so he decides to save the seconds for later. He let out a rather loud belch, not bothering to say 'excuse me' since there was no one around, or so he thought.

Patience was a trait that Koronah was not lucky enough to attain. She sat waiting in the greasy restaurant since nightfall, knowing that he'd show up. And show up he did. It was almost as if she crept out of the shadows. She was actually surprised he didn't take notice if her presence. He did now.

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