Chapter 7

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Selene - Imagine Dragons

Chapter 7

Gwen stood there, arms crossed, tapping her heel on the dirty floor. She had been waiting there for at least half an hour. With each second that passed she became more and more uneasy. All that information that was discovered couldn't be kept a secret. It could mean the difference between life and death.

Finally she heard his car's engine. Kevin pulled into the garage with a scowl on his face. It almost seemed as if he didn't notice Gwen at all. When he got out of his car, Gwen cleared her throat. He turned around and was met with an angry glare. He forgot. "Damn it." He mumbled under his breath. She had sounded so stressed over the phone and now he disappointed her. He only hoped that they weren't to talk about their relationship, seeing as he just witnessed one ending.

"Yeah, 'damn it'." Gwen said angrily. "You know, most days I would have tolerated this, but this is really important to me. This is something that just can't be swept under the rug." She said.

"I'm sorry. What do you want to talk about?" Kevin asked, trying to ready himself for the discussion. It felt like he was stepping on egg shells. Gwen was so anxious; she had barely taken to mind how upset Kevin was either.

"Koronah. I was doing some research on her last night and-"

"Wait a minute, why do you want to talk about Koronah?" Kevin asked defensively. This was completely unexpected.

"If you let me speak without being interrupted, then maybe I'll tell you." Gwen said. "As I was saying, I looked her up on the Extra Net and I found out that-"

"That she's wanted, I know. She picked up where we left off once she got out of the Null Void. Who cares?" Kevin said, crossing his arms.

"This is serious. People would do anything to get their hands on her and collect that bounty. But that's not all. I think she has the potential to destroy the universe." Gwen said. This had definitely caught Kevin's attention. He burst out in laughter. Gwen gave him the hairy eyeball.

"You're not kidding?" He asked. Gwen shook her head and continued to glare at him. "What do you mean, 'destroy the universe'?" Kevin said, eyes widening.

"She's an Anodyte, right?"

"Yeah." Kevin replied. "Half Anodyte, I think. But don't they usually stay away from war and violence?" Kevin asked.

"Not the type of Anodyte she is." Gwen said.


It had been a regular day, and it was Koronah's turn to buy food for her and Albedo. He had given her the money. But it had been too much, so she decided to purchase the chess set from the antique shop she saw the night before. It wasn't as expensive as she thought it would be.

She walked into the Burger Shack. She waited in line until she was at the front. "May I take your order, Miss?" The man at the front of the register asked.

"Two chili fries, please," Koronah said. "To go."

"You got it." She waited there for another couple of minutes until her food came. "Here you go. Have a nice day." The cashier said, who seemed genuine when he said this sentence and not monotone like she was expecting.

"Thanks." Koronah said as he handed her the fries in a brown paper bag and her change. Some of it fell on the floor since her hands were full though. "I got it." She said as she bent down and picked up the quarters. As she stood up and turned around to leave, she saw someone sitting alone at a booth. Wow, talk about déjà vu. Koronah thought to herself.

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