Chapter 2

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*Edited December 28*

Hello Cold World - Paramore

Chapter 2

A few days had passed since their paths crossed. The damage to the space craft had been more extensive than what Albedo first assumed. He asked her where she found it. She said she bought it from a man named Agrit, though she wouldn’t call him a man, for biological reasons, and the fact that he was a weasel that pretends to be a hero. A con artist.

Obviously Argit had sensed Koronah that was desperate and tried to smear the most likely stolen ship on her for the lowest price possible. But after a bit of persuasion, they agreed on a reasonable price. Koronah walked away with a ship and Argit walked away with a red footprint mark on his face and his sternum intact.


“Look doll, I like you, and that goes for more than I can say for my usual clientele.” He said.

“If you really liked me that much, you wouldn’t charge me the price of a brand new ship that I actually could have bought, for this piece of crap.” She muttered bitterly. “Plus, you really have a shitty clientele.”

“Oh, come on! Don’t be like that! I’m doing you a favor here. Do you know how huge the bounty on your head is?” Argit said. That struck a nerve in Koronah. Being on the run came with its disadvantages. She was honestly surprised that Argit was willing to do business with her. She attracted authority like bears to honey. “I could be set for life, ya know!”

“Then why bother doing business with me in the first place?”

“You remind me of a good friend of mine. You know him, actually. Name’s Kevin Levin.” That completely broke Koronah’s sense of professionalism. Her eye twitched, the way it usually does when she unexpectedly turns livid. Argit was then thrown against the wall behind his desk. Her nostrils were flaring and violet mana manifested in her right hand while her left hand kept Argit suspended against the wall, struggling in her grip.

“Do. Not. Ever. Mention. That. Backstabber’s. Name.” She growled, pausing in between each word to punctuate them even further.  It was a good thing that she mastered how to keep her natural form suppressed, for in times like these, her anger controlled her, and right now Argit was acting as an outlet for that current anger. She was about to move her wrist to let the mana strike him in the face when—

“This is the Plumbers. Come out with your hands up.”

Koronah’s eyes widened as she turned her head toward the amplified voice echoing through the walls. Then she turned her attention back to Argit who was still squirming. “Are you wearing a wire?!” She asked, enraged. She was now considering letting her natural form out willingly.

“Doll, you need to understand, business these days have been really slow since—”

“No!” Koronah shouted and the mana in her hand intensified. “I can’t believe that you of all people, would be spineless enough to actually team up with the Plumbers! I thought that you at least had a shred of dignity inside that small weasel brain of yours!”

“This is your last warning. Come out now or we will be forced to retaliate.” The amplified voice spoke clearly. Koronah bit her lip.

“You better listen to ‘em. You have no idea how long it took me to clean up this place after the last guy came in here and was ambushed. And by the way, I swear this is the first time I ever worked with these clowns. They’re the only way I get protection around these parts nowadays, not to mention—”

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