Chapter 6

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Man on a Wire -The Script

Chapter 6

The day was peaceful, but who knew? It was only noon and Ben had his hopes up that he would see some action, besides the graphics of the latest "Sumo Slammers" video game.

He was currently sitting by his computer. Gwen had basically dragged him up to his room and told him to finish the Physics assignment he was given. He groaned in boredom, reclining on his computer chair. He spun himself around a couple of times before hearing his cell phone ring. Yes! A distraction! He thought excitedly.

He rushed to the outlet beside his bed where his phone was charging, hastily unplugged it and answered, putting a cease to his own theme song that was his ringtone.

"Hey, what's up?" He said.

"Hi, Ben." He didn't get a chance to look at the caller ID, but he immediately recognized his cousin's voice.

"Gwen. Were there any attacks? Did you get any news on the Forever Knights about last night?" he asked almost frantically.

"Ah, no. I was actually calling because I wanted us to meet up. Do you mind heading over to Kevin's garage this afternoon?" Gwen asked.

"No, not at all. Is it something important?" Ben replied.

"I just hope and pray that my gut is wrong and that it isn't." She said mysteriously. Ben thought nothing of it though and was glad that he had an excuse to hold off his assignment. "See you then." She said and hung up. Ben just raised his shoulders.

Kevin's garage wasn't that far away from Ben's house, but still too far to consider walking the entire distance. He told his mother that he was going out for a while and then turned into Fast Track, since his car was out of gas at the moment. It wasn't before long that he arrived at the open garage door where his friend was always working on mechanics.

He reverted back to normal and approached him, but he was engrossed to whoever he was talking to on his cell phone.


"So when are you gonna tell him?" Kevin asked Julie in an impatient tone.

"Soon. You need to understand, this isn't easy for me." She replied on the other end of the line through her phone.

"You can't keep lying to him like this. He's gonna figure it out eventually." He said, pacing back and forth in his garage. Some time ago was when he discovered the secret, and Julie pleaded with him not to tell anyone. He was still wondering why he agreed to this mess.

"I know, I know," Julie sighed. She was torn. She didn't want to hurt anyone, but in the end she knew she would do just that. She couldn't help but feel neglected by Ben most of the time. She knew that didn't justify what she did though.

"You're telling him tomorrow." Kevin said sternly.

"But, I can't! I have to-" Julie started to protest.

"Tomorrow. If you don't, I sure as hell will." Kevin was so invested in the conversation that he had barely noticed someone shuffle into the open garage door. The new occupant opened his mouth to say hello, but was cut off by Kevin speaking again.

"Julie, I swear, this guy better be worth it, cause Ben... You won't find another guy as loyal and caring as him in the entire galaxy even if you tried. If you break his heart, I just hope he can move on from you." Kevin said.

Julie nodded, and then remembered that Kevin couldn't see her. "Yeah." She said, tears forming in her eyes. "Listen, I'm sorry that you had to get involved in this." She said her voice cracking.

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