Chapter 13

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First let me begin by apologizing for not updating in quite a while. I know some of you have been waiting and I have no excuse other than life was rather hectic. Anyway enjoy the double update!

Chapter 13

By the time Wildmutt arrived at the scene, he had seen someone he thought he'd never have to see for a while. Quickly, he transformed back into his human form, not realising that the Ultimatrix would have timed out after a couple of seconds anyway.


Civilians were crowded around the entrance of the alley to observe what all the commotion was about. Curiosity was always going to be troubling for the young hero.

"Ben Tennyson, what a surprise!" Michael said in his smooth voice, obviously careful not to show any other traces of shock he might have had. Why did he always have to be the one to save the day, Michael thought to himself? He dropped Koronah's chin, whose eyes were drooping and mouth barely open, and wiped his face.

The teenager was alarmed to see the mess that Koronah had become-no, that Michael had turned her into. He drained so much mana from her that her hair looked dull grey instead of shiny black and her skin alabaster.

"What's going on here, Darkstar?" Ben shot.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm getting what I deserve for once in my life." Michael shot back confidently.

"We can both agree on that much. What happened to the deal that Gwen made with you?"

"Let's just say that it officially expired. Though dearest Koronah over here was kind enough to help me out, and she's not finished yet." Why did the bad guys always have to sound so ominous? He gestured over to where Koronah lay unconscious. Did she even have any mana left to give? It didn't matter. Ben wasn't going to let Darkstar get away with what he's done.

Ben would never admit to anyone that Darkstar's form was intimidating. Who would not be threatened by a person who was literally glowing and golden? He could beat anyone - even Gwen - in this state.

"The only thing you're going to get help with is putting you in prison."

* * *

"Are you sure we shouldn't give him some time to cool off? Whatever you guys were arguing about, it seemed pretty heavy." Kevin asked as they drove through the streets of Bellwood.

"Trust me; if he's in a mood like this, he's bound to do something stupid." Gwen replied.

"You're not his mom Gwen." There was a pause.

"Just drive, for God's sake."

And that was the end of their conversation. Kevin knew he would be paying for that one later, one way or another. In his mind they seemed so similar to an old married couple. Not that he was complaining, it was just that Gwen had her days when it seemed like she went overboard.

* * *

Ben's heart rate sped up as he looked down, pushed up his jacket sleeve and was mortified to find the hourglass symbol of the Ultimatrix had turned red. What was he going to do now? He knew there was no way Darkstar was going to give up the chance to get rid of him, right there and then.

He had to think of a plan, and fast, or risk his and Koronah's lives.

But wasn't he already?

"What's the matter Tennyson?" Michael taunted him with a smirk. "I figured that by now you'd have transformed and have started kicking my ass."

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