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FW: Most of what happens in this chapter is completely unrelated to the original JJK storyline.

What happened next was so confusing, it was all a big blur. Over the course of just one day, they had to attend a meeting with the heads of the supposed "Kamo" clan to get permission to take them in, and they went through a whole lot of stuff she couldn't remember. After that, they moved into the Kamo clan's building, sharing a room with their now older brother, Suguru Geto.

"You seem really overwhelmed," said Geto. Jiyuu and Yuuri had all their needed supplies provided, and two large, comfortable futons were placed on the other side of the room. Yuuri had gone to sleep out of exhaustion, but Jiyuu still couldn't fall asleep.

"Sorry. I still can't get my head over this," sighed Jiyuu. She wanted to know a lot more from Kirai, but she had left them right after sending them into their room.

"Did sensei explain anything about your eye?" asked Geto, indicating her red eye, which wasn't throbbing anymore, except that she'd feel a sting occasionally.


"I overheard her discussing it with one of her friends, but I don't know much. Want me to tell you?"

Jiyuu nodded a bit too eagerly. This reminded her of how her parents told her bedtime stories. Her heart started aching again upon recalling her parents.

"From what I heard, it's supposed to be a powerful skill from a long, long time ago. You'll get the abilities of several animals once you master it, but you won't be able to use cursed energy."


"Don't know. Sensei and her friend didn't know either, probably since it's so old."

Jiyuu felt a little disappointed. Since fighting the cursed spirit, she kept wondering why her eye had turned red so suddenly. She felt a wave of curiosity wash over her, wanting to find out more.

"You're supposed to be my brother now, right?" she asked, pushing the thought away. "What should I call you?"

"You don't need to call me anything," said Geto with a soft smile. "After all, we're about the same age. If I'm correct, you were born at the end of December, right? I was born in February."

"H-how'd you know that?"

"Jujutsu Headquarters has information on almost everyone."

"That's creepy."

Geto chuckled. "Go to sleep, Jiyuu. It's late, and sensei will slap me for not fulfilling my role as your brother."

Jiyuu felt odd at hearing someone call her by her first name again. As she crawled into her futon, her body felt extremely relaxed as her skin brushed over the cool covers. Her head hit the pillow, and within seconds, she had fallen into a deep sleep.


"Mama?! Papa?!"

She couldn't see anything. Everything was darkness, and she could only hear their voices in her head.

"Mama and Papa are sorry we couldn't tell you this sooner."

"What is it?"

"Candy cane, you are ‎‎‎‎‎‎ ▇▇▇▇. The ▇▇▇▇▇ will put you in danger, and you must protect yourself..."

She couldn't hear what her parents said next. The important parts were all muffled.

"We're so sorry we had to leave you. Once you find out, you will grow up too fast. Mama and Papa are so sorry we couldn't teach you more."

Jiyuu's heart broke upon hearing her parents' pained voices. She wanted to call out to them, hug them, tell them it would be alright, and that there was nothing to apologise for — but then she felt that falling sensation again. She was about to wake up, but she didn't want to, she still needed to talk to them, she —

She had woken up.

She made an angry sound and fisted the blanket in frustration. For some reason, her dreams seemed to never want to give her any answers.


Jiyuu shifted her position so she could see Yuuri. Her little sister was crouching on the ground, dressed in a brand new kimono. It was long-sleeved and white with some floral patterns, along with a bright pink obi.

"The miss wanted me to tell you to go to the training grounds after you got up," said Yuuri.

"Alright. Where is it?"

"I'll bring you there, but miss said you should change into the clothes there," she pointed to some clothes neatly folded and placed at her feet.

Jiyuu got up and stretched, making her joints pop satisfyingly. After a good sleep, her mind was way clearer now, and her body wasn't as heavy anymore. She picked up the clothes, which were a simple white kosode and a pair of dark blue hakama pants. The pants perfectly matched her long hair, which was a midnight blue.

After getting dressed, she combed her hair and wiped her face with a damp cloth. Then, she followed her sister out of the room to the training grounds. It was an enormous field, and a series of high benches lined the edges. The benches were placed a space above each other, so people could look at whatever was happening down there without anyone blocking their view.

Kirai and Geto were standing in the middle of the field, waiting for her. Jiyuu wondered how long they'd been there. When she reached them, she noticed that another girl was there as well, but she couldn't make out who she was as Kirai turned her attention to her.

"You certainly took your time," said Kirai. "I'm itching to punch something. The Kamo clan heads are so annoying I could die, but now's not the time. I wanna talk to you about something."

Kirai shooed Geto and the girl away. Then she faced Jiyuu again.

"Your eye," she said, pointing a finger at her left eye, which was still that scarlet colour. "Is not normal. I've discussed it with one of my friends, and there's not much information about it. But what I know is that it's from a very long time ago."

Of course it isn't normal, thought Jiyuu. Who the hell's eye would suddenly turn into a creepy, demonic red eye all of a sudden?

"Considering that, it would be very powerful and, in turn, very dangerous. So I need to train you to find out what exactly it is." She sighed. Just yesterday, Jiyuu had thought Kirai was that sort of carefree woman who cared for nothing but herself. But looking at her expression now, Jiyuu could easily say she was mistaken. It was full of worry and fear, and Jiyuu had never seen one so strikingly similar to her parents'.

"Is something wrong?" asked Jiyuu.

Kirai quickly straightened herself. "It's nothing," she shrugged. "It's just that sometimes, powers from a longer time ago are utterly terrifying and a lot harder to control."

"I get it. But how will you train me?" asked Jiyuu.

"You'll know soon. But don't worry; Suguru and Oameke will join you."

"Who's Oameke?"

"Another ditched kid who got directly adopted into the clan cause she's got potential and her Curse Technique's so powerful," replied Kirai. But then the corners of her mouth kicked up to form a puckish grin. "But don't get the wrong idea. She's really shy."

Kirai then half-dragged Jiyuu towards the other end of the field, where Geto and the girl from just now seemed to be sparring. Jiyuu flinched as something thin flashed across her face.

"Hey, pipsqueaks!" yelled Kirai. It was hard to hear her call over the continuous commotion. Geto was manipulating something that was flying, while the other girl seemed to be tugging on invisible strings. Jiyuu flinched again as Kirai tried screeching at them a second time.

"Oh, bother," she snapped. "They're always so loud." Then, she suddenly pulled out a megaphone that definitely hadn't been there before. She positioned it right in front of her mouth and—


It was so loud, Jiyuu had to clamp both hands over her ears. But even so, her ears continued throbbing even after the din had died down. However, when Kirai screamed at them, Geto and the girl had stopped at once. They froze, but it was slightly unsettling how unnatural it looked.

Jiyuu turned to Kirai, who was clearing her throat. "Cursed Speech," she said, with a wink. "I borrowed this from that guy from the Inumaki ages ago, but I keep forgetting to return it."

Across from them, Geto and the girl had started recovering from the cursed speech's effects. Only, they were spread eagled on the grass, looking as if they had just climbed up a mountain.

"Did you have to do that, sensei?" panted Geto as he got to his feet. Then he spotted Jiyuu. "Oh, yeah! Here, Oameke, this is Jiyuu, my other sister."

The other girl, who was probably Oameke, widened her eyes at Jiyuu. She let out a tiny squeak and seemed to have regretted it at once. She blushed red as a tomato and looked as if she would have dug into the ground to hide if she were allowed to.

"Here, young lady," said Kirai. "This is Oameke Haru, who is also your powerful senpai and another parentless rug rat just like ya."

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