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FW: Violence, sad backstory & shitty story

"Domain Expansion, Divine Trinity Portal."

All three of the Scavenger's pupils dilated with utter fear. He backed away, only to be blocked by the flesh he conjured himself.

"Move!" it screamed. The flesh shrunk away, and the Scavenger tried to flee. But Kirai was faster.

She raised her face at the Scavenger and glowered, a gleam of amusement in her eyes. The next second, three dark gashes formed on her right arm along the trail her fingers just traced. They dispersed, swallowing her and the Scavenger in darkness. Behind Kirai were three enormous galaxy-like portals, which started to merge together.

"Stop it!" shrieked the Scavenger. "How are you able to do this already?!"

"A trip to the underworld," said Kirai nonchalantly. "I vowed to end you one day, and I will fulfill that vow now, little boy."

"Little...boy...?" chuntered the Scavenger in confusion.

Kirai looked down, her expression dark.

"I'm sorry, Kazutsen. Your own mother modified your memories so you wouldn't know the actual truth," said Kirai. The three portals were halfway through the merging process.

"Kazutsen? What are you saying?" snarled the Scavenger. "My mother would never do that!"

"Well, then I'll tell you. She didn't create you from nothing. You were originally a normal kid living a normal life with your actual mom. Then the ex-sorcerer you claim to be your true mother kidnapped you and experimented on you, therefore creating the Scavenger. You're not you, boy."

"No, that's impossible! My mother cared for me and my siblings so much that she wanted to use you as a vessel!" But his voice shook.

"That's because your real mother found out about Jujutsu and used it on your fake mother, accidentally merging with her. Even though she wasn't strong enough to have control over the Teleporter, residuals of her will remained. From then was her supposed motherly attitude, and so on."

The portals were nearly finished.

"But, because of it, Teleporter took away your memories of the past so you could think of yourself as the Scavenger, supposedly having lived a good life. To further convince you, she created your siblings, kidnapping more children in the process. When she knew she was about to die, she wanted a vessel so she could wake up in a pure body, apologise to you, and maybe reactivate your memories. But she couldn't, because when the time came, I reclaimed control over my own body."

Kazutsen was on his knees. Oh yes, that was true. Kirai's speech had reawakened the lost memories in his mind. It all came rushing back to him like a tsunami consuming a city.




"I'm sorry. It's my fault you're here," said Kirai, true guilt infecting her bloodshot eyes like a plague. "Your mother couldn't save you because I saved myself."

Kirai raised her head, and her sorrowful expression turned to one of resolve.

"Echoes of time, unfurl thy veil, release the past, let memories sail," she chanted. At the same time, the portals finished merging, and in their place was an enormous, endless pit of time framed in faces of horror carved from gold.

"Once you are in this portal, you can't get out unless I use my domain again," said Kirai. "But you'd be weakened beyond recognition, just like the other corpses in there."

Kazutsen did nothing except continue staring into the distance with his knees on the ground.

"Imprison me, then," he whispered.

Kirai gave him a look that was filled with benevolence. She had hoped she could spare him, but it was too late. The things he did were unforgivable.

"Consume," she commanded, and the whirling pit of time wrapped around Kazutsen. He was dragged inside the portal, forever gone.

The Scavenger expected to feel empty and filled with dread once he was dragged into the portal. But he didn't feel anything. There was only warmth and a soft, ticklish feeling under him.

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