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"Senpai?" asked Jiyuu, accidentally cringing at the word.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Kirai with a frown.

"Sorry—it was nothing," said Jiyuu quickly. "I just—well, all the senpais at my old school were a whole bunch of good-for-nothing jerks," she blurted out.

Kirai sniggered. "Must've been a crappy experience for you, then? But it'll do you good later on. For now, I'm gonna throw the lot of you here for a while, cause I have something to do. Just try to get along, please?" And with that, she strode off and disappeared into the building.

Jiyuu looked down and shuffled her feet. "Um," she said in an apologetic tone. "Sorry. I didn't mean to seem rude."

"It's alright," said Haru. Jiyuu took this as a cue to look back up again. Haru's ginger hair was very curly and fell to her shoulders. She had bottle-green eyes that shone like jades in the sunlight, and she was slightly freckled. She was a little short in stature, despite being older than her. Overall, her looks lied about her age, but she was still very cute.

Cute, she thought. It had seemed like forever since she'd found another girl to call cute other than Yuuri.

"I think we should explain some things about Jujutsu to Jiyuu before we start," suggested Geto. He turned to her. "We've been here a longer time than you, so we know a lot about Jujutsu. I should start telling you about our Cursed Techniques.

"My Cursed Technique," continued Geto. "Is Cursed Spirit Manipulation. It allows me to consume and keep cursed spirits inside myself, and I can summon and manipulate them anytime. I'll show you." He proceeded to wave his hands in a swift motion, and a huge dragon appeared out of nowhere.

"This is Rainbow Dragon," said Geto cheerily, petting the dragon. "It's one of my most powerful cursed spirits I have, and it was really hard to get it." He waved his hands again, and the dragon disappeared. "Your turn, Oameke."

"I'd prefer you call me Haru," she grumped. "Jiyuu-chan, my Cursed Technique is Needle. It's pretty simple. I can create the strings out of cursed energy, so they shouldn't be a problem. However, I have to bring my own needles to use.

"Needle is just me using the strings to manipulate the needles to fly and weave around to prick my enemies. That won't do much damage, so I have to focus on the pressure points of their bodies, if they have a body. If they don't take physical form, I'm practically useless against them.

"But the really stupid thing is, if I manipulate too many needles at once, the strings might get tangled up and mess up my advantage. It's so—oh!" she suddenly gasped and blushed. "I'm sorry. I was ranting about my personal problems again."

"It's fine," reassured Jiyuu. Haru was shy for one thing, but she was polite and considerate too. She was already a whole lot more likeable than the other senpais at her old school.

"Say, Jiyuu, do you want to try a bit of fighting?" asked Geto.

"No, Suguru! She doesn't even know about her own powers. How can you expect her to fight?" cried Haru.

"It's just for a while. After all, sensei told us to get along, didn't she?"

"I find your idea of getting along rather unusual," sighed Haru. "But fine. Don't get her or yourself hurt, or else Yamazu sensei will rampage again."

"Does Kirai sensei fret that much over children?" asked Jiyuu.

"No, but she's very overprotective. She lets kids go wild, makes them look like a bunch of little brats, then goes bipolar when they get hurt. It's her sole weakness," snickered Geto.

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