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FW: Violence, blood, long chapter

Panting, Jiyuu fought to keep up with Kirai as she led them through the residence down to the training grounds.

"Sensei," she huffed. "I don't think we're wearing suitable clothes for training."

Kirai halted and turned around to look at Jiyuu. "We'll get changed later," she said shortly.

When they reached the training grounds, the bright sunlight hit all of them like a firework display. It was really hot and sunny. Definitely inappropriate for training.

"It's so bright!" cried Yuuri, shielding her face from the sunlight.

"Ugh, why is it so hot, dude?" groaned Kirai. Even she couldn't stand it. "Quick, get under a tree. It's way too bright; I can't even open my eyes."

They quickly made a beeline for the nearest tree to them. Crouching behind the trunk, Jiyuu's eyes adjusted a little so she could finally get a good look at the training grounds. Then her jaw dropped.

The grounds were enormous. The running track was about twice as large as the one at the Kamo Clan, and there were some other facilities as well. How rich was the Gojo Clan?

"Kirai sensei, how are we going to train in this sort of weather?!" muttered Haru.

"No," said Geto, shaking his head. "This weather is too unnatural. I think there's something messing with the barrier around the residence."

"What barrier?" asked Jiyuu curiously.

"There's a barrier around the Gojo residence that's similar to a curtain," explained Geto. "It's controlled by the Gojo Clan head, Taki Gojo. But there's a downside. The barrier might distort the weather according to his current emotions, so I'd say he's angry right now."

"Should we go calm him down?" suggested Haru.

"No," said Kirai. "He's starting to settle down already. Look," she pointed to the sky.

Puffy, cotton-like clouds were starting to form and obstruct the sun. The sunlight's intensity receded, and the weather turned a little cloudy.

"Over-intense sun means he's angry," noted Kirai. "Normal sun means he's happy or not feeling anything. Over-cloudy means he's troubled, rain means he's sad and windy means he's tired."

They stepped out from the shade of the tree and made their way towards the huge running track.

"I think there's a changing room over there," said Kirai, tip-toeing to get a better look. "Yeah, it's there," she pointed to a small cabin-like building at the end of the running track. "Go get yourselves changed and assemble over here. Except for the little lady."

Yuuri stayed behind with Kirai as the Jiyuu, Geto, and Haru jogged towards the room Kirai pointed at. The room was like a small house, but the structure was made of wood and not bricks.

They opened the door, the hinges creaking noisily. Jiyuu stepped in first. The floorboards creaked, too. She looked up to find many different designs of tracksuits lining the walls. There was a big revolving stand in the middle of the room which held some, too.

"Wow!" exclaimed Haru, peeking inside. "These must have belonged to the previous students who trained here."

"Trained?" asked Jiyuu. "I thought this was a residence?"

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