Chapter 1

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Adam's Point of View

TW: Swearwords

I opened my eyes in confusion. Where the fuck am I? I can't move, but I can feel my body. I died didn't I? So why can I feel things. I could feels the hard cold floor on my back. I feel clean, and new. I feel like I didn't die. I slowly gained control over my body again. I slowly and carefully moved my right arm around to feel around my surroundings. Suddenly I heard footsteps walking towards me. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't get them up. "If you can hear me, move your arm towards me." a familiar voice said in a calm tone. He started tapping his food so I could constantly hear where he was. I slowly moved my arm towards the sound of him. "Good, so I managed to save you." the voice said. "Try to talk if you can, you might still be a bit... distant, so I doubt you can." he said. I opened my mouth in an attempt to say at least one word. No word left my mouth, only deep breaths. He sighed and seemingly sat down. "Can you try to open your eyes?" he asked. I tried again and suddenly I got them half open. They were hardly open, they're way to tired to keep open for a long time. "No way, you can actually open them!" the guy said. He stood back up and sat down right infront of me. We locked eyes and just then I found out who it was. Lucifer fucking Morningstar. He grabbed my hand gently and smiled at me. "Squeeze as hard as you can, if you can see me." he said. I did, but the squeeze wasn't very hard since I barely had any control of my own body right now. "That's good. Let me give you a quick run on what happened." he started. There was silence for a few moments before he spoke up. "You were stabbed brutally multiple times by Niffty. I saved you, and despite losing half your blood you survived. But you're in bad shape... Like, really bad. You've lost a lot of weight and probably won't be able to function well in a while longer." Lucifer said. "But I'll be here, and I'll protect you." he said. I blushed at the last comment. Suddenly he picked me up without any trouble and putting me on a softer surface. I assume it was a bed of some sort. He pulled the covers over me, leaned down and kissdd my forehead gently. I couldn't do anything to resist or stop him. Not that I would have done that, but still. I'm not even questioning thess thoughts, I've always loved Lucifer. He held my hand gently again. "Adam, do you see this rubber duck next to you?" he asked. I slowly looked over at a regular looking rubber duck. I nodded slightly. "If you need me, just press it and I will hear it. Then I'll be here." Lucifer said. I opened my mouth trying to say just a simple 'okay', but I couldn't. He smiled at me, got up and walked away. "Just rest for now." he said with a distant voice. Before I could think more of that, I passed out.

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