act 1...chapter one: matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright

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act one - the lightning thief 

chapter one: matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright.

"Annie, did you really tell him you drool when you sleep?" I questioned sitting across from Annabeth, my best friend since she came to camp about three years ago.

"Because he does! I could see it!" She said, slamming her hands down at the table in defense.

"Gross!" I laughed. "I do not need to know about anyone's drool." She had been going on and on about this boy since he appeared at camp after killing a minotaur. Dude was a legend at camp within his first twenty four hours.

"What are you guys talking about?" Miley came up to the table with a weird look on her face.

"Annie's obsessed with the new kid, Percy."

"Am not!" She yelled.

"She hasn't stopped talking about him." I face Miley not giving Annabeth a reaction. We were sitting in the cafeteria-type area, during meals the tables were segregated off by the cabin you were in, but between them, it didn't matter where you sat.

"I haven't seen him yet." Miley sat down dusting off the table.

"Me either." I stated as Annabeth's eye contact became really really focused on the woods. I turned around to reveal that it wasn't the woods she was staring at. It was him. Beach blonde curls that went right below his ears, and a smile that could light up a whole city. Chiron was showing him around, so of course I had to intervene. "Annabeth, hand me my bow, it's beside you." I said with my hand out.

"Ok?" Annabeth handed it to me. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing." I put the arrow in the bow and I placed my aim for the tree right above his head.

"Pandora! Don't kill him!" Annabeth demanded.

"Don't worry I won't." I whispered. Aim. Ready. Set. Shoot. He screamed like a little girl. "What was that!" I could hear him from a mile away. Chiron looked at me and tried to hold back his life. I decided to go introduce myself. Miley and Annabeth followed behind me whispering amongst themselves.

"I'm Pandora." I put out my hand. "The one that shot the arrow."

"You could've killed me." Percy said with a look on his face that would have made Zeus cry.

"No, she wouldn't have Perseus. Pandora here was given the gift of straight, perfect aim by Artemis." Chiron said in his usual guardian voice.

"I thought children of Artemis didn't exist?" He said confused, looking at Chiron.

"They don't, I'm a child of Aphrodite." I intercepted his glance at Chiron. "You've met my friend Annabeth.

"Oh yeah, I think I have. But wait, how do you have a gift from Artemis but she's not your mom?" Me and Chiron share a glance saying what should we tell him?

"Long story, you'd get bored." Miley gets beside me and breaks the silence. "Miley Grimm. Daughter of Apollo.

"You're all claimed?" He said with a smile of sadness.

"Yeah, but it took Miley a year after she got here, and Annabeth's took a month." I said with my best effort of cheering him up. I never felt the pain of being unclaimed, but most of my friends have, and I know it's not the same, but all I have is sympathy.

"When were you claimed?" Percy looked at me. Dude, why is this kid asking so many questions.

"Uhh." I stammered and looked at the ground. Tough subject. Really tough subject.

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