chapter three: doomsday is close at hand

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"this is the part where you find out who you are"

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"this is the part where you find out who you are"

"only the good die young"

Annabeth looked exhausted. Grover did too, but Percy just looked determined, angry even.

"Ready?" Grover walked over to me and put his hand over my shoulder.

"I still need to know what you need me for?" I asked, looking between the three of them.

"It's about the pro-"

"You shouldn't hear it from us." Annabeth said, interrupting Percy by hitting his shoulder.

"Annabeth." I looked at her trying to look as calm as I could be, but if it was just me and Annabeth, alone, I'd be shaking, this was about my prophecy. My prophecy. The thing I've craved for ever since I could remember. Raised by the gods, but never good enough to know exactly why I was.

"Lets just go up." Percy said, not waiting on any of us and just started walking to the elevator. We all got in and "Guns and Ships" from Hamilton started playing.

I'd only ever been at Olympus once and that's because I was sick once and Hades didn't know what to do so he took me to Apollo but those memories are fuzzy. My mom had only visited me once or twice but she had always gone down to the underworld. Hades said she never came for my "safety" but I'd be lying if I said I never thought that was bull.

Olympus was beautiful, celestial bronze was everywhere. We walked around to the little meeting area where all the gods did their solstice meetings. Percy had the bolt in his hand and walked with confidence that probably made Annabeth think he was crazy for acting like that in front of the gods. She's probably thinking how I'd do that if I were in his position.

We walked around to the thrones and saw all 12. As they looked to see Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, but were a little surprised to see me, which shocked me because shouldn't they know everything?

"Hello Pandora." Zeus said not even acknowledging the other three for some reason.

"Zeus." I said trying to do my best not to let my voice crack. I looked around and saw Hades, we shared a smile.

"Hey Kiddo," He whispered. I walked over to him.

"What is this about, Annie said it was about my proph-"

"You will learn, be patient." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Go on to your friends." I walked back to Annabeth and grabbed her hand.

"Percy." Poseidon stood. "I never meant to tell you that and now you bring her here?" He sounded angry.

"She deserved to know!" He stepped closer to his dad. I walked to Percy's side.

"I would really love to know what the hell is going on here?"

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