chapter two: you're loveable, so loveable, but you're just troubled.

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It was after Capture The Flag; and well, Annabeth's plan worked. She pushed Percy in the water after she got him and Clarisse to fight and he got claimed; by Poseidon. Somehow she knew? I don't know she's Annabeth, I don't question her knowledge. Chiron gave Percy the quest to get the Master Bolt from Zeus, which is apparently missing? And now, Percy's standing in the middle of a circle of Clarisse, Annabeth, Luke, Chris, me, Silena, and a couple other half bloods to decide who to take on this quest.

"Annabeth." He said as he interrupted Chiron in his whole spiel about how we're the best warriors at camp. I know Annabeth was going crazy that one, she got a quest, and two, Percy chose her. That girl has been wanting a quest forever and we were kinda offended that the white boy did it in less than a week.

"Grover." He said as his next choice. I looked around and Grover wasn't here.

"Uhh Percy, Grover isn't here." I stated stepping out, I winked at Annabeth from across the circle.

"I know, but I want to bring him with me. That's final." He was determined, but I knew Grover would pee his pants knowing Percy picked him. Like literally pee his pants. He did that once when I told him that I didn't like raspberries, so I was pretty sure he'd do it over this. Percy walked off to go tell Grover and I ran over to Annabeth as she was trying to hide a smirk, but a winning smile shined through.

'So what are we doing for your birthday tomorrow?" Annabeth said, grabbing my hand.

"I'll be helping you pack for your quest." I said.

"Pandora, you always do this!"

"Birthdays aren't a big deal to me!"


"Fine!" I laughed. "We'll finally be the same age."

"Only for a month or so."

"Yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes. "Then you'll be thirteen and I'll stay twelve. Also good job at diverting the conversation from what you know I was going to bring up!" I sarcastically commented.

"Thank you, I think it was my best work." She added.

"So, do you agree with me that Grover's gonna pee his pants when he finds out Percy chose him?"

"Oh obviously. I mean he peed his pants when I told him I was allergic to ragweed." We shared a laugh.

The next day we sent out our brave little warriors to the quest. Also, I was right, he did pee his pants. Anyhow, me and Annabeth shared a hug and we sent them off as I walked back to Mr. D.

"Dora The Explorer, one day that'll be you." He told me. I know he knows my name. I mean I've been at this camp for my whole life basically. It's just a bit at this point, I think.

"Tell me the prophecy." I punched him jokingly in the stomach like I used to when he wouldn't let me fly a pegasus when I was six.

"Can't Padawan. Swore I wouldn't."

"On the River Styx?" I asked, as long as he didn't swear on the River Styx. Please.

"No, Padawan, but I still can't tell you. Like we don't tell Perry The Platypus about his prophecy. You'll have to suffer a bit longer."

"You suck. I hope you are forever the Camp Director." I said as I walked away.

"You are the bane of my existence, Panda Bear!"

"Love you too!"

               A couple days had past and without Annabeth, and Miley working on the Cabin Seven Musical, my days were filled with Luke, and more Luke, and more Luke, oh and more Luke.

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