Hit with a golf ball P.2 (Pierre)

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Kharissa pov

I got looked at after getting hit with Pierre's golf ball I was fine and I didn't need stitches which was nice I just have a little bump that will eventually disappear. I haven't done much since the incident which was 2 days ago me and Lori have just been hanging out and doing random stuff at the house when she isn't doing  stuff for work. I was sitting on the couch when I got a text for Pierre who I haven't messaged in the two days since I been home might I add

P- Hey I'm gonna assume the golf ball killed you so I apologize to your ghost for killing you

I laugh and respond

K- This is my ghost your apology is excepted 

P- oh thank god my conscience is clear now lol

K-sorry I haven't messaged you I just been relaxing 

P- it's ok and I know you said I don't have to but will you let me take you out tonight to make it up to you

K- Pierre it really is ok

P-I know but I really want to

K-ok fine 

P- ok I will pick you up at 7

I look at the time and see it's noon so I have 7 hours I smile and walk over to the office area me and Lori share for work. I knock on the door lightly and walk in "hey Lor what are you doing" she looks up at me "finishing up a few emails why whats up" I smile "great when your done can you help me Pierre is picking me up at 7" she laughs and nods "yeah I will help you pick out an outfit" I turn around to walk out "thanks also what do you want for lunch" she thinks for a minute "just some fruit please" I nod walking out. I take her the fruit she asked for the went back the living room and watched a random movie and played on my phone. about an hour later Lori comes out and joins me "what time do you wanna get ready" I look at the time "it's only 1:30 and he is picking me up at 7 so I will shower at 6" she nods "ok we will pick your outfit out at 5:30" I no and we decide to watch movie the rest of the day.

finally picking out the outfit we went for a nice pair of dress pants and a cute shirt I showered and got dressed we were sitting on the couch sending each other tiktoks back and forth when we both heard a knock on the door I got up to answer it but Lori was already at the door "hello Pierre" he smiles "hello your name was Lori right" Lori turns her head to me giving him side eye making me laugh "I expect you will have her back at a reasonable time and there will be no funny business" Pierre laughs and I walk past Lori "I promise not to keep her out to late" I laugh rolling my eyes. we get to his car and he opens the door for me I get in and he goes around and gets in "your friend is feisty" I laugh "yeah sorry I knew she was gonna do something like that I do it to her too" he shakes his head "it's ok it's cute how much you guys care about each other" we talk about random things while he drives us to the restaurant. when we get there he opens the car door for me and I get out we are at a really fancy Italian restaurant "Pierre I can't let you pay for this it's too much" he shakes his head "it's not trust me come on" we walk in the restaurant and get sat at a table in the back. we both decided to get pasta while we waited on the food we talked about anything and everything we even talked about our jobs a little "you should come to a race sometime" I look up from my pasta "if I did I would have to bring Lori I know it sounds weird but we do everything together we are kind of like a package deal you if you get one you get the other" he smiles at me "that's cute though I don't mind if she comes I think the boys will love both of you" I smile and we finish eating" we go for a short walk before he final takes me home we get back to the apartment and Pierre says goodnight to me that date was the first of many and eventually a beautiful relationship.         

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