First Grand Prix (Daniel)

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Kharissa pov

me and my best friend finally got to come to our first grand prix we decided to go to the Silverstone grand prix I was a little nervous as I have never traveled this far without family and we both have anxiety but we are both so excited when we were on the plane I didn't even think about it. we got tickets for all three days so we came a day early to get settled. we get the hotel and get checked in and it is already late "Lor do you wanna order room serves tonight and just relax tonight" she looks up for unpacking her suitcase "yeah I'm ok with that we can head to bed early too make sure we are ready for tomorrow" I nod we got general admission tickets but we were just happy to be here so we are going to make the best  out of it I also know there is a lot we can do with general admission and we always have together anyways so it will be great we order room serves and relax calling it an early night.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm I rolled over and grabbed my phone and turned it off checking the notifications before getting up and going over to Lori's bed shaking her "Lori it's time to get up" she rolled over and groaned so I knew she was awake I went and got ready we are going to have breakfast and then head to the track I walk back into the room and see Lori still in bed "Lori I'm leaving in 20 minutes" she sighs "ok ok I'm up" and finally gets up and gets dressed 

she walks back out "ok I'm ready now let's go eat I'm hungry" I laugh and get up following her out "since today is just FP 1&2 we were just going to explore and figure out everything is in between practices. we found a cute little cafe and had breakfast "Lori I know we are both really excited but let's not separate in less we need too ok" she looks up at me "yeah thats fine you know how my anxiety is anyways" I nod "I know you ready to go" she finishes her last bite and gets up "yeah lets go I'm so excited to get there" I laugh and get up we walk out and get in the car we rented for the weekend and head towards the track.

we get there and walk around we found a nice spot by the track to watch FP1 is starting soon so we get comfortable. I took a few pictures and videos through FP1 and we walked around waiting for FP2 and we are back near our spot Lori looks at me "I need to got to the bathroom I will be back" I nod "ok I will be here if its over meet by the entrance" she nods and gets up.

Lori pov

I went to the bathroom and was on my way back to Kharissa but on the way I must have made a wrong turn somewhere because I somehow ended up by the garages and I know I didn't start here and my phone is dead so I can't call her I know FP2 is over so I am panicing a little because I am a little small and don't really feel like being stampeded by fans and I know Kharissa is probably looking for me I look around and see two people talking next to a building without even thinking I walk up to them "excuse me cane you guys help me I'm lost and can't find my friend I can here with and she is kind of like my emotional support person because of my anxiety and this is stressing me out a little" they turn around and I realize that it's actually 2 of the drivers it's Daniel and Yuki. Daniel smiles at me "yeah sure you may wanna breath though we can't help you if you pass out" I take a deep breath "sorry my phone is dead so I don't have a way to call her and I got lost some how and don't know how to get out for here" he nods Yuki walks away but comes back a minute later with water "here drink this we will help you but we have to let some people clear out first" I nob but I know Kharissa is gonna be freaking out.

Kharissa pov

FP2 finished so I grabbed mine and Lori's stuff and walked towards the exit not walking out just standing there waiting but she never came I am starting to get a little worried so I try to text her but no answer I call and it went to voice mail with means her phone is dead of course it is I keep looking around till I see a worker "excuse me did you see this girl walk past at any point" I showed them a picture "no I haven't sorry is everything ok" I shake my head "no I can't find her and she has anxiety and I am also lowkey panicking now" he looks around "it's ok I will help you find her did you drive here or get a cab" I am stupid why didn't I think about the car "if I go to where we parked the car and she isn't there would I be allowed to come back" he stops for a second and radios to his boss I guess "my boss said that's fine if she isn't there just make sure you keep your pass with you and I will wait here ok" I nod and run over to where we parked the car looking around and checking to see if was unlocked but she wasn't there so I go back to the gate the work was at and find him "she wasn't there" he nods "ok come I will walk around with you and I will have a few other people look too" I nod and we start walking. we get down towards the garages "do you think she's down here I need her to be down here" he shrugs "to be honest this is the last place to look so we can hope"

Lori pov

I was sitting with Daniel and Yuki they have actually been really good at keeping me calm we were sitting at a bench talking when I heard Kharissa scream my name "OH THANK GOD LORI YOUR NOT DEAD" I turned around and laughed she ran over and hugged me "not dead just lost but I found Daniel and Yuki and they helped keep me calm and were gonna help me out of here but I guess we lost track of time" she sighs and grabs he phone "oh by the way your phone is dead of course I was worried sick" I don't even think Kharissa cared one of her favorite drivers was sitting in front of her right now

Kharissa pov

I said thank you to the security guard for helping me he nodded and left I finally look at the other 2 people sitting at the table and it finally mentally clicked that it was Yuki and Daniel I smile "thank you for helping and for giving me a heart attack" I laugh and so do they Daniel gets up "sorry about that we were just talking about random stuff and got carried away" I smile "it's ok we should go though don't wanna keep you guys" Daniel stops us as we are walking "where are you guys watching the race" I turn around "we just have general admission tickets" he smiles and says hold on and walks away Lori goes back to talking to Yuki and I just stand there. he walks back out of his garage and hands me two passes "you should come down here and watch the race on my side of the garage" I look at him shocked "you don't have to I appreciate it and it would be a dream but it seems like a lot" he smiles "it's the least I can do I think it was super cute how worried you were for your friend plus if your in the Garage she can't get lost" I laugh "oh trust me she will find a way" Lori looks over "I heard that hoe" we all laugh and Daniel looks back at me "please take them I insist please it will be nice having a pretty girl like you on my side of the garage" I blush and take the passes "ok we will spend the rest of the weekend with RB" he smiles and hugs me "great and maybe if I charm you enough throughout the weekend you will let me take you out on a date" I laugh and blush more "maybe if your lucky come on Lor we should let them go" we say bye but Daniel stops us again "wait here's my number text me hwen your here tomorrow" I nod and turn around again to leave "you are going out with Daniel Ricciardo" I smile and laugh "shut up I just met him plus he is just a really nice person" she laughs "your going out with him. we did in fact spend the rest of the weekend with RB and on Sunday night I let Daniel take me out on a date. we haven't stopped talking even after me and Lori got back home and he even invited us to both the Texas and Vegas grand prix after I told him where we lived I can't wait to see him again 

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