First Grand Prix P.2 (Daniel)

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Kharissa pov

me and Lori are on our way to the hotel it's the weekend of the Vegas GP and Daniel keep bugging me so I finally agreed to come under the condition Lori came because I don't like traveling alone plus she got on well with Yuki so they can see each other again. we get out of the uber when we get to the hotel that Daniel booked for us it's the same one he is staying at I know a few other drivers are staying here too. I text Daniel and tell him we are here as we walk into the lobby Lori hasn't shut up about seeing Yuki again since we got on the plane that's all she talked about "Lori I'm sure Daniel told Yuki your with me you will get to see him this weekend" she sets her bag down and looks up at me and smiles "I hope so because it was fun talking to him last time I want to hang out with him again" I laugh looking around because Daniel told us to wait in the lobby for him when we got here "oh trust me Lor I know" I look towards the elevators again and finally see Daniel walking off of one of them with someone I thought it would have been Yuki but it wasn't it was Max I laughed at Lori's facial expression as Daniel and Max walked up to us. I gave Daniel a hug "hi Danny it's good to see you again" Max pulls me into a hug while Daniel walks over to Lori "what's wrong with you" I laugh and she gives me a dirty look as she answers him "that's not Yuki" Daniel laughs and grabs her bags while max grabs mine "no Yuki had to go do something but he will be back later" Lori sighs making me laugh more max gives me a weird look "she hasn't shut up about seeing Yuki again since we got on the plane" Lori rolls her eyes and smacks my arm "shut up it's not like you don't shut up about Daniel you talk about how much you were so excited to get one of his hugs again" I smack her arm as we get onto the elevator and the boys laugh at us I look back at them and see Daniel smiling at me I quickly look forward again as the door opens on our floor and walk out walking down the hallway I hear them snickering behind me I walk ahead of them till I get to the room Daniel said its right next to his and Yuki's room so we are close Daniel hands me the key I say thank you and open the door walking in with them following "it has a beautiful view" I walk out onto the balcony I feel someones arm go around my waist and stand next me I look over at Daniel "yeah I wanted to make sure you guys could see everything" I smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder "so seeing as it's Wednesday and I don't have to do anything till tomorrow your gonna let me take you out on a date tonight right" I laugh a little and give a little sarcastic reply "I guess I can clear my schedule for you" he laughs and lets go walking backwards I turn around watching him "be ready by 8 ok" I nod and he grabs Max from talking to Lori and walks out. I walk back into the room "well I guess I am leaving you at 8 so let's hope Yuki is back by then so you have something to do" Lori starts unzipping her suitcase "I hope so to because I don't want to be bored and alone" I laugh and open my suit case to find an outfit. I pick out a pair of blue jeans and a nice shirt then go take a shower. 

it's like 7:30 me and Lori are just watching random movies because we got bored when I hear a knock on the door I get up and open the door expecting to see Daniel but instead open the door to Yuki standing there smiling I smile Lightly "hi Yuki she is in there on the couch" I step to the side but he pulls me in to a quick hug then walks into the room I close the door again only for it to get stopped by a foot before it fully close I open it again this time actually seeing the person I wanted to I smile at him "sorry I told Yuki Lori was here and he was out the door before I could grab my stuff" I laugh looking back at Lori and Yuki already "ok Lori and Yuki we will be back later" they both say bye then o back to their conversation. Daniel grabs my hand and we walk to the elevator "so Daniel what do you have planned for tonight" he smiles as we step on to the elevator "first we are going to dinner then we are going for a walk then we are going to come back to the hotel and watch a movie" I nod listening to him explain the plan as we got outside to the car. we drove for a few minutes and then pulled up to this really nice restaurant Daniel gets out and comes to my side opening my door for me I smile at him getting out and he grabs my hand. we walk into the restaurant we get sat at a table in a back corner we sit down and get handed our menus "this place is very nice" he nods and smiles at me "I wanted the best for you" I smile and look at what I want "Danny there is a lot of options can I just get whatever your getting I'm not good at making decisions" he laughs a little "yeah I was going to get some pasta is that ok" I nod he orders the food and we just sit there talking about random stuff till the food came.

after dinner Daniel drove us to a park "so I wanted to ask you something" I look at  him while we are walking "whats up" he stops walking and makes me look at him "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the last two races with me"I look at him in shock at first not sure what to say "Daniel I don't know I know it's only two races but still" he nods "I know but Yuki is asking Lori too you I know is you say yes she will go and if she says yes you will go" I laugh and let go of his hand "oh so you and Yuki just planned this" he smiles at me grabbing my hand again "maybe because I want to spend more time with you and get to know you more" I sigh "ok I will go" he smiles and hugs me "lets head back Yuki wanted to have a movie night with all of us" I nod and we head back. 

we get back to the hotel and I walk into the room Lori immediately jumps up and runs to me "Yuki asked if I would join him in the last two races please tell me you said yes to Daniel" I laugh at her speaking so fast "Lor calm down I said I would go" she smile and go and sit back down next to Yuki I sit on the smaller couch and Daniel joins me "I was told we were having a movie night so what movie" Lori grabs the remote and puts on Mamma Mia with out letting anyone answer we all laugh and relax watching the movie that's how we spent the rest of the night and pretty much every night for the rest of the weekend some of the other boys joined us for movie nights as well too on some of the days I think I could get used to being around these boys. 

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