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Author Pov:

Y/n went to her room and locked the door and went to her closet and opened it. She kept all the clothes on one side and after a few minutes she saw a box... she took it and came to her room and sat near the bed... she opened the box and saw the photo full of dust she wiped it with her bare hand and now she can see it clearly... there were 3 people in the photo... finally tears rolled down from her eyes which she was holding till now... she touched that person's face and a teardrop on that person's face.... She then looked down and saw a small box. she put that photo frame down and held that box and opened it and saw a watch... she held it and then after a few seconds her eyes spotted a small box full of dust... she put that watch down and held that dirty small box not caring about her hands getting dirty... she opened it and saw a ring.... A long tear rolled down from her eyes and hold that ring with her dirty hand... and now she was continuously staring at that ring with her teary eyes... she closed her eyes... and saw a 10 years little girl sitting in the sofa and talking to the them


??: Y/n you know what is it?

Y/n: (moving her head from left to right) No... what is it?

??: (chuckle at her cute movement) this is the ring which I gave to her (pointing at the women who is in the Kitchen working and also listening their conversation)

Y/n: why did you give her that ring? Don't you love me then you should have given this to me instead. (Cute angry face)

??: (smile) I love you a lot! More than you think Y/n... but I love her too equally...

Y/n: no, you should love me more that you love her....

??: he loves you more than me Y/n... you know that right? But he gave me this ring before you come...

Y/n made an 'O' to get understanding but her mind can't take this much...

Y/n: then where was I then?

They both look at each other and that man look at her again and tried to change the topic

??: umm Y/n now I want to give this ring to you...? And keep in mind this Ring is special... you should give this ring to that person whom you love the most... and want to spend your entire life... umm I know this is hard for you to understand now but still and remember dear love happen only once in a life... so if you think that you have found someone who is as handsome as me, caring, loving and most important thing..... he should understands you, he should trust you and last he should love... and believe you... and dear keep this in mind if there is no respect then there is no love.... always keep this ring with you until you find your someone special...

Y/n: Appa I want to give this ring to you because I love you and most importantly whatever you said now is all you have so I don't need to give this to anyone because I have you and I can spend my entire life with you appa...

He chuckles and Y/n puts that ring in her father's hand and while seeing this her mom is smiling...

Mrs. Kang: Seriously! I mean look at her, how old is she, why are you saying all these things to her... she is still too small to understand all these things...

Mr. Kang: I know that's why I am saying this to her... so she can keep this in mind that love happens only for once... (he looks at her daughter who is now playing with her toys...) I don't know but I think she is like me! her heart is like me... and I want her to be happy all her entire life. I don't want to see any tears in her eyes...

Mrs. Kang: so, do I! (smile) but the love for her is unbelievable, you know that right? You the way no one can do...

Mr. Kang: I know! I just want her to be happy... she is with me just because of you dear... so I love you the same... but little less than her... (Peck her lips)

Mrs. Kang: Yahh! (Lightly hit him) what are you doing she is here (shy)

Mr. Kang: so, what? I just wanted to peck you... (Innocent face) so Y/n come let's go we will go for Picnic are you ready for it?

Y/n: (cute voice) Yewssss! Always ready!

Mr. Kang: Okay then! Come, Come, Come... Come

he picks her up and look at her wife who is now smiling and he held her hand and started to run towards his car the little girl was laughing and enjoying Y/n sat on the back seat and Mr. and Mrs. Kang sit on the front seat and he started to drive the were enjoying... laughing, singing and making jokes... just then Bomb! A car hit their car...


Y/n slowly opened her eyes and again tears rolled from her eyes and looked at that ring...

Y/n: A-Appa! (Hiccups) y- you s-said y-you l-lo-ve me... t-then w-why d-did you le-eave me h-huh? I- I w-was your L-Lovely D-daug-ter right? Then w-why (hiccups) why... you t-told me to g-give this ring t-to so-some-one I l-love... (Hiccups) so, I-I ga-ve t-his to y-you t-then why (hiccups) why you l-eave m-me... W-why God h-has s-sna-tched you from me-e? Why? You said h-he wa-as t-the on-e who ma-de us meet who has giv-en m-me to you t-then wh-why? Wh-y-y? (Hold that ring tightly and start crying her heart out and while crying she falls asleep on the floor...)







Well, how was this chapter hope you like it and if you are getting bore because I am going slow in story then please... support me and yes going slow is better for me because it's my first time writing so I want to make not best but yes bearable to read so that all you read. Once again English is not my first language so I am trying my best to write this... and giving my 1000% in this story...

Don't think I am going to quit this story soon in your dreams... because I am planning to go a long way with you through this story.... And yes, my speech has come to an end and I will go now and you also go and do your work and wait for my next chapter....

Wait! Wait! Wait! I am planning something you want to know....
Then listen I am planning to change my title of this story so do you want me change the title.... Then tell me? Yes or no if yes then please thumbs up 👍 if no then thumbs down 👎 please just do this for your lovely Author!💜

Bye! Bye!

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